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Most things appear to be installed, but I don't have the nav options on the left side of the AdminCP. So I'm assuming it somewhat failed because it took so long. Can I just uninstall it and reinstall it? Should it take a long time to install? I have close to 1mil posts, if that matters.
In that case, please try re-importing the XML file without first uninstalling it, see if that helps.
Excellent. That seemed to do it. One more question, where can I edit the colors of the bar? It doesn't seem to integrate well with my forum by default.
Can you post a screenshot to indicate what part of the bar specifically you mean?
Basically the title bar and the background for the thank/like buttons. They both ended up really dark, and my postbit background is light, so it sticks out like a sore thumb. It appears to be using colors from my style, I'd just like to use different colors.

Although as I type this, wait a minute...

Is it possible to edit the colors of it per style? If not, I'll just skip editing it and live with it.
You can edit dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries - the bits you want are
<div class="posthead">
<div class="postdetails" id="dbtech_thanks_entries_{vb:var post.postid}">
- you can apply your custom colouring there :)
Thanks again sir. Got another question. I hope its okay to use the same thread to ask these questions in... It seems I'm getting an error when attempting to edit stylevars. I disabled this mod and the error went away. Any ideas?

Warning: require_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in [path]/admincp/stylevar.php on line 29

Warning: require_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in [path]/admincp/stylevar.php on line 31

edit: I googled this general error and one suggestion was that it was related to APC. I've increased the APC cache/thing/whateveryoucallit. Hopefully that will fix it.
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Seems like a pretty accurate description of APC cache to me ;)

Thanks for letting me know, I was rather stumped myself if I'm honest :p
Okay, I lied. I'm hoping this will be my last question. The formatting of the bar seems to work well if I chose the 'below post' option. However, is there an easy way for it actually to attach to the bottom of the post? Basically, I'd like to get rid of the space between the post and the thanks/like bar.

Should anyone happen upon this thread and be interested in doing what I did, here's the template change I made to minimalize the thanks/like bar:

Template: dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries

<vb:if condition="$show['dbtech_thanks_area']">
<vb:if condition="$show['dbtech_thanks_li']">
<li class="postbitlegacy postcontainer">
<vb:else />
<div<vb:if condition="!$show['dbtech_thanks_lineafter']"> class="signature"</vb:if> style="clear:both;">
	<div class="postdetails">
		<span class="postdate">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_post_thanks_like}<vb:if condition="$extrainfo"> - {vb:raw extrainfo}</vb:if></span>

	<div class="postdetails" id="dbtech_thanks_entries_{vb:var post.postid}">
		{vb:raw entries}

	<vb:if condition="$actions">
	<div class="postfoot">
			<span class="postlinking">
				{vb:raw actions}
<vb:if condition="$show['dbtech_thanks_li']">
<vb:else />
<vb:if condition="$show['dbtech_thanks_lineafter']"><div class="signature"> </div></vb:if>

Hopefully its okay to post this.

edit: If it matters, I have it set to display below the signature.
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