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Nice mod, I have some feedback notes and questions;

May want to include better install instructions, having two XML and duel folders for both activity and activity pro may be confusing to customers.

Would be nice if the imported xml file also set the images in addition to the achievements, rather then using the default light bulb.

Activity pages do not seem to be picking up the additional CSS in vbulletin.

Could a template be missing {vb:raw headinclude_bottom}

Manage Medals error in CP if have no Medals defined.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity_pro/includes/actions/admin/medal.php on line 17

What template, class or stylevars need to edited to change the "user name" link color on the activity page?

What template, class or stylevars need to be edited to change the border line and text around the achievements and medals in postbit?

When is the next version and is there a planned feature list somewhere for it? :P

Thanks in advance..
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May want to include better install instructions, having two XML and duel folders for both activity and activity pro may be confusing to customers.
This is getting eliminated in the next version, vBShout's already been given the same treatment :)

Would be nice if the imported xml file also set the images in addition to the achievements, rather then using the default light bulb.
You mean the Achievements XML? If so, it's kind of hard to do because we don't know if people have bought a custom icon pack. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean..?

Activity pages do not seem to be picking up the additional CSS in vbulletin.

Could a template be missing {vb:raw headinclude_bottom}
We use the GENERIC_SHELL template to do this, but the headinclude_bottom is still kind of broken I'm guessing. I'll look into it for the next version :)

Manage Medals error in CP if have no Medals defined.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity_pro/includes/actions/admin/medal.php on line 17
That error will go away if you click the Repair Cache menu item, but I'll add a check to prevent this from happening anyway as it shouldn't. Thanks for reporting :D

What template, class or stylevars need to edited to change the "user name" link color on the activity page?
dbtech_vbactivity_activity_block_ranking I'd say.

What template, class or stylevars need to be edited to change the border line and text around the achievements and medals in postbit?
.fieldset { in dbtech_vbactivity.css

When is the next version and is there a planned feature list somewhere for it? :P
No specific ETA or feature list at the moment, but we're going to try to fix all the issues you guys report, and change the Medals system to allow an user to be awarded the same medal more than once :)

Also just noticed that a user who hasn't been on in a week is showing a Daily Activity 869.17% ?
The first day / week / month is a bit screwy because it thinks every point you got at first Recalculate happened on that exact day.
We're going to try to find a solution for this in the next version, sorry about that =(
Thanks for the reply and info. Yeah its in GENERIC_SHELL however it does seem to be broken, any suggestions on how to spot fix it?
Copy the contents of headinclude_bottom underneath the variable in the GENERIC_SHELL.

Another person had a similar problem but with vBShout (they both use the same method to generate their pages) but it worked fine on my test board.
Regardless, I'll see if I can't fix this in the next version one way or another :)
That worked, although I hate to modify templates because I forget to revert them later. :)

I found another little thing, on the rankings page the Usernames and points are stacked on top of each other, however on this site they are spaced and lined up, are they different versions?
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It's because I was a n00b when I coded vBA templates, I didn't know how to make CSS tables in vB4 and so I made a terrible mess out of it :p
I'll change that for the next version, they'll be properly lined up with proper header columns :)

But to answer the question; It's most likely because of skin width, my hackish method isn't very "narrow skin" friendly I'm afraid.
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I see, hopefully the next version will be coming soon..

Question: I noticed in the post bit that I have 4 achievement ranks of the same category showing, ergo: Fresh Meat, No Longer a Newbie, I Survived a Month! and Experienced. Should it not just display the highest rank from each of the classes "threads, friends, posts and so on?

Also where can I disable the primary navbar link and leave it in the community drop down?

Request for future versions: VBA stylevars?
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No its intended to show the latest achievements, not just the highest per category.

At the moment you need to clear out the contents it the vbactivity_navbar template, there'll be a setting in the next version.

There will be stylevars for all colours, if any :)
*wanders sleepily in*

New version should be out next month, and as well as fixing all/any reported problems, will have a bunch of new features too.
Fillip H.,

Ah, you may consider adding an option to choice how achievements are displayed, either latest or top ranks, personally I think the later would be used more since it would display the latest anyways of each category, rather then having 50, 100, 150, 200 post icons showing you would have just the 200, but also the top ranks from the other achievements, the only thing anyone really cares about is the highest anyway that's why they are achievements :) just a suggestion..

Search in templates found no vbactivity_navbar, the only result was dbtech_vbactivity_navbar_link, why not just do these a plug-in?

Going back to a previous post, I dug around in dbtech_vbactivity.css, .fieldset { however isn't that a globally used class by vbulletin and therefor if I added it to the addition CSS it would effect other areas and not just VBA? so basically what I need to do is, change the color of the achievements and medals block, ergo the outside line and the description text in postbit for something better fitting my darker style.


Morning :) Sounds good, hopefully I can spot patch and tweak it enough now so I can open my site...
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Ah, you may consider adding an option to choice how achievements are displayed, either latest or top ranks, personally I think the later would be used more since it would display the latest anyways of each category, rather then having 50, 100, 150, 200 post icons showing you would have just the 200, but also the top ranks from the other achievements, the only thing anyone really cares about is the highest anyway that's why they are achievements :) just a suggestion..
We'll look into adding that in the future :)

Search in templates found no vbactivity_navbar, the only result was dbtech_vbactivity_navbar_link, why not just do these a plug-in?
That's the one I meant, and we will make it optional in the next version.

Going back to a previous post, I dug around in dbtech_vbactivity.css, .fieldset { however isn't that a globally used class by vbulletin and therefor if I added it to the addition CSS it would effect other areas and not just VBA? so basically what I need to do is, change the color of the achievements and medals block, ergo the outside line and the description text in postbit for something better fitting my darker style.
It's not a globally used CSS attribute in vBulletin 4, and it's intended that you add your skin's colour definition to the CSS class in that CSS file :)
Setting .fieldset in either the additional CSS or dbtech_vbactivity.css has effect in the profile "activity" display but not in the postbit, also it looks like you used <legend> to set the color of the text in the achievements and medals block, although I cant find the class definition for it in your CSS..
You're trying to set the border colour I presume?
If so then you can change the relevant css rule to 1px solid #yourhex

Let me know if that works or if that's what you were trying to do already :)
Yes that's what I did, in the addition CSS, I also set it in your CSS, as I said it has effect in the user profile "activity" display but not in the postbit, I guess I may have to go into the templates and just hard code them and change the class for the text bit as well, perhaps we can get these set as a stylevar in the next revision.
Hopefully now that TT is out we can get the next build of VBA to integrate with it, and perhaps add the collapsible postbit button for the VBA stuff as well, for people who like a smaller cleaner postbit?
Quick note: in the admin CP the DBTech VBA controls menu should "not" be above the vbulletin "settings" menu, the vbulletin controls should always be at the top of the menu.
Is a new build of VBA going to be out today with all the fixes, read this somewhere on the forums but could not find it again?
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