
Former Developer
I've been thinking a bit about throwing some suggestions on things that could be developed by DBTech, one of which is the following combination of ideas, partially based on an irritation of vB4's design.



On reduced window sizes with this many navbar options, a wrapping problem develops.

The only solutions to this are turning some of the navbar item(s) off, or living with it. But turning some off are only partially possible.

What would be nice is some little mod that has a navbar menu controller in it... that can take master control (perhaps built so that mod designers can integrate into it) of what shows, and where. Perhaps in a similar way to how the Notices Manager in the AdminCP works.

Other options that would be nice to include would also be having control over a second row on the navbar, or allowing an item on the navbar to develop a dropdown menu which could have additional options from the navbar on it.

That then brings me to a second area on a similar tack.



There is a lot of whitespace that (much to the annoyance of quite a few of my forum members) stretches the length of the page excessively.

I think there is a solution, again that can be extended so that other mods can integrate whereby we use the dropdown menu style of the username (as below):


If there was an option to create a series of drop down menus on the hooks for the postbit, and then develop hook locations within the drop down menu that could be added, or that would have a similar contol system to the navbar menu I suggested above, then we could allow for these extra niceties that are useful (from DBTech mods and others), but which give us greater control over their location and placing, and can be made in this popup menu style, allowing us to reduce the whitespace that develop within the forum thread.

Any supporters of this idea? A Pro version could have other nicer features, such as improved customized styling, and more options of drop down menus than the Lite version.
Already planned a mod that does both of these things =)

Good to know that there is definetely a market for it. The solutions are different (or at least planned to be) but the idea is still the same - better organisation of navbar and postbit.

Cheers for your time and effort by the way, it's appreciated.

Looks pretty good. =) There's a mod in the style section at that puts things basically into tabs on the postbit. Was a bit complicated to get it to work with various mods though so I didn't complete it. Hopefully we get something soon from DBTech though as my postbit is crazy long...
I prefer the profile organized by tabs organized like this:

On DBT can be organized in: Profile (normal informations), Activity (VBActivity/VbCredits), Stats (Post Thanks/Like)

That is the mod I was referring to actually. It's nice, but at the same time... I think it hides too much. Meaning people don't really know what's hidden there or why they might even consider clicking on the other tabs. For me, I haven't found a solution that is perfect (although I admin, the solutions talked about here are a step in the right direction and better than the default).
Some good points there.

Digital Jedi has an awesome mod, but yeah good point on whether its hidden and do people want to click them. hmmm
It's a tough choice. All I know is having too much puts people off in the first place, hence why a properly developed Profile/NavBar system that could be intergrated into other mods would allow for a wider audience, and become the norm. Besides, a lot of content is in drop downs, and people usually look at least once.
If anyone wants any instructions on how to put the postbit stuff into a drop down menu, give me a shout and I'll explain how to do it.

Cosmic, is there any details on exactly what you are wanting to include in the postbit/navbar mod you mentioned? It would be nice if the system would introduce a more suitable tabbed content section... I think a really sophisticated system is needed to allow for greater versatilty in site management... and the mod you mentioned might well fit into that... :)
That is the mod I was referring to actually. It's nice, but at the same time... I think it hides too much. Meaning people don't really know what's hidden there or why they might even consider clicking on the other tabs. For me, I haven't found a solution that is perfect (although I admin, the solutions talked about here are a step in the right direction and better than the default).

A solution can be use 2/3 images instead of links like this site...
No details at the moment, but hoping to have something fixing up the navbr in the next few days. Won't be a released mod atm though.
Sounds good, can't wait to see it. Like max's link, was along the lines I'll be doing as a temporary fix.
Yeah, same as the tab concept really. I see both the image and the text links on that site though. They are super imposed over each other. Might just be this FF 4beta I'm running though.

I'd be ok with that solution really. The trick for me is, being able to easily include/move content to whatever "tab" I wanted. Which is where I found I was running into problems.
On my site we have a tech Admin who has done the tabbed thing for our postbits and it looks GREAT! I can't show you a picture right now but if you go to my site and look at any post you can see how she has it set up. It's slick.
Looks really good. My members are complaining about the amount of things in the postbit. I can really us something like that :D
Great minds think alike :)

After posting this I had a play around with how it could be done (at least the postbit) and managed to introduce a menu for all that would be added to the hook in the post bit section. Looks good atm. :)

An example of one of the threads with it in action:

Is it possible you can place this on the forum so other forum owners can us it. This is one thing allot of owners love to have. If got some DBtech mods running on my forum and the postbit is a little bit big. This will make my members really happy because all the topic's will be smaller so you dont have to scroll 1000 m to get to the bottom of the topic :D
Sure, no problem. I'll get to it later today. Any suggestions on where to post it other than here?
All info, from all mods are hooked in template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts. Is it possible to separate it so we can choose what to show where?

Is it possible you can place this on the forum so other forum owners can us it. This is one thing allot of owners love to have. If got some DBtech mods running on my forum and the postbit is a little bit big. This will make my members really happy because all the topic's will be smaller so you dont have to scroll 1000 m to get to the bottom of the topic :D

In postbit_legacy find :

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}

Replace it with:

<li class="popupmenu">

<a href="#" class="popupctrl" >[COLOR="red"]Additional Info[/COLOR]</a>

<ul class="popupbody popuphover">

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}


Replace Additional Info with whatever you want :)
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