menu system

  1. I

    Question Context Menu

    I'm curious about the context menu. I can enable it fine and it displays fine, but it's very quick to disappear/close/whatever (doesn't seem to matter where my mouse is or anything). Is this just the way it works (it's supposed to text the speed of your hand)? Would there be a way to have it...
  2. giraffesyo

    Multi-Level Menus hide under div

    All the controls for the chatbox, commands, font, bold, etc. are all visible perfectly, but when you open the drop down box it hides the content under the div instead of going on top of it. Tried to put a z-index on the div but apparently didn't go to the right place or something. Any input...
  3. Mokonzi

    Navbar/Postbit Mod Suggestions

    I've been thinking a bit about throwing some suggestions on things that could be developed by DBTech, one of which is the following combination of ideas, partially based on an irritation of vB4's design. Notice: On reduced window sizes with this many navbar options, a wrapping problem...