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So I can add items to the system....but I have no idea how the players and their monsters can actually GET the items to use.
Manage Areas -> Edit Monster List -> Edit Loot Table

It had to be done like that because it should be possible to set each individual enemy in each individual area to have a different loot table :)
Okay. I still don't see that, but then again I still have all of my monsters and information in there from before.

Is there a step I am missing on import?
More potions questions. The Health/Stam/Focus potions. Are these heals or do they affect the MAX stat? FOr example, my monster is sitting at 20/50 health and he takes a Heal Potion (+10 HP). But since I can only set them up as buffs, does this mean that he's now at 30/50 or 20/60?
20/50 would be 40% health, so the new health of the monster is I believe 24/60.

In other words, it increases or decreases the MAX stat while preserving the percentage remaining.
In a future version, we intend to vastly expand the uses for items including healing items as well.

Currently, however, I was asked to code items that were able to influence the Capture Chance as well as stats, which meant they had to be buffs.
Okay. I just made a test area on my site where th edrop rate for these things = 100%. My monster is right now at 59/65. When I try and use a heal potion (+10) I get an "Error:" (that's all it says) and I have to exit the battle & come back. Stat buffs seem to work but the Heal potions so far have not. I'm still testing.
Stat buffs work but healing potions don't? I are confues.
Potions atm only work as stat buffs.
STR, INT & the like work (or at least didn't give errors). When I try and use a Heal (HP only tested so far, will be doing Stam & Focus) I get that error popup.

ANd right now I can't get through my test fight as the enemy is at 1 HP and I can't build up stam. It is doing something, but it keeps draining stam when I defend. -heh-

Doing nothing but defending my Stam has done the following:

2 -> 4 -> 5 -> 9 -> 2 -> 9 -> 2 -> 3 -> ...

You get the picture.

New thing. (I know you love me!)

I have the monster down to 1 HP. I try and scratch him and the screen freezes. If I hit "End Turn" without doing anything else (all other options are grayed out) it will resolve the attack, even though the monster will still be at 1 HP. The same happened when the monster was at 9 HP and I did 9 damage.

It also throws me this SQL error:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO vb1_dbtech_forumon_inventory
        (userid, itemid, quantity)
        (1, 2, 5);

MySQL Error   : Duplicate entry '1-2' for key 1
Error Number  : 1062
Request Date  : Saturday, October 30th 2010 @ 10:51:47 AM
Error Date    : Saturday, October 30th 2010 @ 10:51:50 AM
Script        : [URL][/URL]
Referrer      : [URL][/URL]
IP Address    :
Username      : Dave
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community
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I'll test a potion that only modifies HP and see what happens.

Can you take me through exactly what you did from battle start to battle "end" that caused the SQL error?
Yup.I defended. What triggers it is a monster that gives an item when you kill it. It didn't happen the first time I killed this guy, but each time I've tried to use a healing potion it bugs the end.

After I get done with this battle I'll try one where I use NO items and see if it works.
So just defending and then attempting to end the battle by using a move caused the SQL error?
I've been unable to reproduce this using just a potion that modifies HP.

Can you please screenshot the configuration of that particular item, and also tell me EXACTLY what you did in order to produce it, from battle start?
I've hotfixed the Stamina issue for Pro customers, waiting to push a Lite hotfix until we've nailed down this Item thing :)
The add-on map areas note towns where players can meet NPCs and buy things from shops. when can we expect an update to allow items to be purchased in shops?
NPCs and Shops will be in the next update. There is no fixed release date for that at the moment, but it is likely to be in the next 3-9 weeks
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