sql error

  1. M

    Bug Database Error Viewing item

    Hi Mokonzi, I am in the process of pm'ing you the other data you wanted :) However one of my moderators just pointed out this error. ######################## Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT o.* FROM theforumprefix__dbtech_classifieds_offer AS o WHERE...
  2. C

    Legacy Image Optimizer

    First I really really like how vbSlider grabs all the external images and hosts them locally. By doing that, it puts control back into the admin's hands of what is being displayed. Not surprisingly, I found that most of the images being posted in threads are not optimized. So I have been able...
  3. M

    Bug Database Error

    Seems like whenever I try to upload a file and an image together I get an SQL Error when I click 'Post' Any help? Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7: Invalid SQL: UPDATE dbtech_downloads_download SET numfiles = numfiles - 1 WHERE downloadid = '7'; MySQL Error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out...
  4. J

    Bug SQL error in feedback Manager

    If you have no feedback groups set and within the manage feedbacks admin page you happen to click the "next page" button you will get an sql error rather than being redirected to the feedback groups page like the "Prev Page" button does. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT...
  5. J

    Bug SQL error on buy now

    When trying to use the buy now I get a database error as follows : Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO dbtech_classifieds_offer (listingitemid, userid, currencyid, value, date, listingtypeid, postageid, addressid) VALUES (106,16521,'GBP',0,1382908122,1,,1); MySQL...
  6. obviator

    Bug Maintenance: Invalid Action

    Hello, Today I installed vbSecurity Lite, and everything worked fine except for the "Maintenance" tab (aka Reset All Passwords). When I clicked "Maintenance" in the left-hand menu, I saw the standard Password Reset form, asking me to confirm if I really want to reset all users passwords...
  7. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 1 Testing Information

    For Beta 1, there are several known issues or incomplete areas, some of which we'll be looking forward to getting some feedback on so that we can make changes where necessary to complete them. In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed: Manage Listings Manage Offers In...
  8. K

    Bug SQL Errors

    I received multiple SQL errors by email
  9. W

    Bug Download Delay Causing Occasional SQL error for Unregistered Users

    Hi again! I pushed 2.01 to my live site today and it went great! ... except for a couple errors. After I deleted the listings.php file that caused one set of errors I ended up with just a couple of new errors involving unregistered users and the download delay producing an advertisement. Here...
  10. Sarab

    Bug SQL error

    Hello, @Fillip H. I have an urgent problem, on one of the forum I and other get: What the problem and how to solve it >,< It really an urgent mater ="( Best Regards, Saran
  11. L

    Bug my sql error! need help

    Hello, now I have my SQL Errors and I have arcade closed for all. Please have a look and give me an help: Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT gid, gtitle FROM games_list WHERE gid IN (0Array); MySQL-Fehler : Unknown column '0Array' in 'where clause' Fehler-Nr...
  12. Vcize

    Bug SQL error when removing category or extension

    Attempting to remove a category returns the following error: Attempting to remove an extension returns: Product version is actually 2.0.0b2. It wouldn't let me enter characters in the version box.
  13. D

    Bug All Categories lost permissions on upgrade

    Category Permission Issues When I installed the beta all my categories were given the following permissions: Even though no extension group is set by default, a member can upload any of the allowed extensions. By default unregistered members are able to view, download, upload. However...
  14. D

    Bug SQL Error (1064) during installation

    Hi! Today i want to install the DBT-A&A AddOn in my working-Forum. Like i was ever doing, i test this BEFORE in XAMPP-Test ground with an actual backup of my SQL-DB. When i was purchasing the mod, all was working fine in XAMPP (was a clean install from vBulletin), but now the Add-on importer...
  15. Bassinurface

    Bug SQL Error

    Here is the error I get every now and again ever since I have removed the mod. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT languageid, phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global, phrasegroup_dbtech_vbsignatures AS phrasegroup_dbtech_vbsignatures, phrasegroup_user AS...
  16. D

    Bug SQL Error

    After Installing this in my XAMPP-Test Area (with a mirrored online Board) i have the following error when i want to enter the User-Panel: Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT...
  17. Trekkan

    Answers mod SQL Error

    Fillip H. I just gave it a shot from the side bar, got this error: Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42S22/1054): Unknown column 'problemid' in 'where clause' in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1391
  18. Trekkan

    Bug SQL Error when editing a thread ban

    I banned a user as a test from a thread. That worked fine, then I deactivated the ban. That worked. Then I edited the ban to change it to ban the same person on a different thread and then got the following error: ### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### INSERT INTO...
  19. R

    Bug Forums sideblock creates SQL error for entire site

    Enabling the forum sideblock halts the whole site with the following database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT entry.*, user.* ,avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS...
  20. Trekkan

    Bug SQL Error when changing vB4.2 nav tabs

    I get the following SQL error when I try to change any of the tabs in the default vB Nav manager: Invalid SQL: UPDATE navigation SET displayorder = 40, state = state | 2 WHERE displayorder != 40 AND navid IN (dbtech_vbarcade,1); MySQL Error : Unknown column...