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New member
The info; we used "DragonByte Tech: InfoPanels - General Options" That's what showed avatars. I've disabled that bit

But now the original Display Registered Members is not working. I have also tried deleting the Info Panel. Is there a way that all current users online can display again? Screenshot by Lightshot

How can I fix this problem? I need to know ASAP

Sorry, I don't understand what in the General Settings you're referring to. There's nothing there to disable showing of avatars.
Sorry, I don't understand what in the General Settings you're referring to. There's nothing there to disable showing of avatars.

I have removed InfoPanels. When i used it I could see staff members and normal members separated.

Before I even installed InfoPanels, I used the original current active online users. But now the normal current online user doesn't work.

That's the problem
Have you removed all the files that came with the product and flushed any cache systems you may be running?
Which means you haven't removed the files that came with this product.

Please also try disabling the hooks system via vBulletin Options and see if that helps.
Temporarily turning off the hooks system in the vBulletin Options does not delete anything :)
ACP / Settings / Options / Plugin/Hook System / Enable Plugin/Hook System Set that to "No"
The issue is still not resolved, that was just a test. Delete all the files that came with InfoPanels then re enable that setting.
Since it's confirmed that it works when all addons are disabled, please turn the vBulletin Option back to Yes and manually disable each product from Manage Products.

If it works, manually re-enable them one by one until it breaks again.
Wtf you guys are vBulletin Pro. thank you so much for the help, I really appreciate it.

It's good to have active supporters like you guys :)

Problem solved.
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