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My forum.php has been showed the white page after choose any Style at Quick Style Chooser. I were found MOD of vBSlider (Pro) cause white page.

Now, I disable this MOD and can be solved the old issue: When I clicked setting > Options > Shown All Settings, there are show Fatal error message:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare construct_category_select() (previously declared in /home/baanfars/domains/ in /home/baanfars/domains/ on line 120
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I will look into it when I get home from work. It there a specific style that it does work on, so I know where to start looking?
Well, it works on all styles, but I can confirm that on YOUR site, when using the quick style chooser, something gets caught up and stops it from loading. I am late for a birthday party, but I will look into it more this evening to try to determine where it is getting caught up.
Can I get FTP access? The login info you gave me awhile back doesn't appear to be working anymore and the issue is with a file I need to make changes to on the server (since I can't replicate it on my dev).
Please looking for Fatal error by vBSlider at bottom of setting > Options > Shown All Settings, there are show Fatal error message as 17-07-2555 10-32-53.png
The issue with the style chooser is because you were running version 2.0.1 of the mod, but the widget.php file was version 1.0.7. Once I uploaded the correct version of the file, everything worked as expected.

As far as that screenshot goes, I don't see anything related to vBSlider in there...?
If you disable vBSlider, you can see full options of setting > Options > Shown All Settings, not show Fatal error as above Fig.
The best that I can tell, this is a conflict with default vB files. In order to build the blog category list, I have to load a default vB file (blog_functions_category.php). This file declares the function construct_category_select(). ForumRunner then calls another default vB file (functions_cms_layout.php) which tries to declare a variable of the same name. The error is happening because the function has already been declared by a previous vB file. I know of no way to get around this without altering default vB files, which would then lead to other issues. Perhaps Fillip H. knows how to undeclare a function inside of a plugin.
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