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Can you try redownloading the Beta 5 package and reimporting the phrase... the overlapping is because there is a missing phrase... might be a bad import...

Let me know if it fixes it or not.
Ah, I know what the problem is, I cant execute the XML when I do so it hangs at : Importing Product, Please Wait...

Could be a 4.2.2 glitch *shrug*
If you find it tricky to import it you might want to consider uploading the file to the server somewhere before you import, and import from the server directly. That might assist. I'm assuming you both are using shared hosting, which can often mean it takes a lot longer to import the files... I've had that problem myself.

The Beta 5 doesn't require any database changes... and there isn't that much more in terms of new templates and phrases... :/
Good idea. I'll throw it in my includes folder.

.. Nope not working that way nor multiple goes at it.
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Hmmm... might be something you need to set in your php.ini file... I'll ask Fillip H. to see if he can suggest anything... I just find it strange that you've imported Beta 4 fine, but can't now with Beta 5. :?
Only thing I can think of would be to check your error_log which is usually found in /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log although it can vary by system.
Cant find that, tried a few different XML imports and using server side to do this also, still hanging. Looks like a downgrade to 4.2.1 :\
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