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It’s always a post behind VSA top stats. Even when I click “Reload” it doesn’t show the most current update. :(

WHY DR. Fillip H., WHY?

If you have vB Optimise integration active in the settings, it will cache the results for 1 minute, and the Reload button will not do anything.

This is to prevent trolls from adding additional strain on your server by spamming the Reload link.
If you have vB Optimise integration active in the settings, it will cache the results for 1 minute, and the Reload button will not do anything.

This is to prevent trolls from adding additional strain on your server by spamming the Reload link.

I see. That’s neat :D

How’s VBO updates coming? AGGRESSIVE CACHING?!?! WHO IS GOING OT TAKE IT OVER Fillip H.?!?
It's unlikely that feature will ever see the light of day, since the code Deceptor made his post from exist(ed) only on his computer and I have zero understanding of how it would work or how I would implement it.

Updating vB Optimise is a tricky subject because, unlike all other DBTech mods, it shouldn't be updated unless there's something that brings genuine benefit to the mod - not to mention that extreme care need to be taken when implementing features to avoid them having ramifications / causing additional load as opposed to eliminating it.

I personally don't have as much experience working with large servers / sites as he did.
It's unlikely that feature will ever see the light of day, since the code Deceptor made his post from exist(ed) only on his computer and I have zero understanding of how it would work or how I would implement it.

Updating vB Optimise is a tricky subject because, unlike all other DBTech mods, it shouldn't be updated unless there's something that brings genuine benefit to the mod - not to mention that extreme care need to be taken when implementing features to avoid them having ramifications / causing additional load as opposed to eliminating it.

I personally don't have as much experience working with large servers / sites as he did.


and so with the caching is the reload feature worth anything. Even when it’s fetching for 60 seconds, it doesn’t update the new stuff. I might want to see if I got it cached for longer than expected.
I shoulda specified; the default TTL is 1 minute, but the setting in General Options can be changed to give it a longer lifespan :)
I shoulda specified; the default TTL is 1 minute, but the setting in General Options can be changed to give it a longer lifespan :)

Alright. I set it to 1 because it was a 5. Neat. I really like all the caching stuff and options integrated into everything. Thanks for the tip off.

Bring back Deceptor!
Alright. I set it to 1 because it was a 5. Neat. I really like all the caching stuff and options integrated into everything. Thanks for the tip off.

Bring back Deceptor!

=P He wasn't fired - he "retired" due to personal issues in his life. Until he has that resolved I doubt he will return.
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