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Some simple Q from a newbee

Hi All,

I just bought, installed and tested the lifetime PM AddOn.

I hope this is the right forum to post my questions that I have about some minor issues.

-1- I think the ACP pages "Private Message Statistics", "Private Message List" and "Latest PMs Sent" have some privacy issues and therefore I would like to disable them. Now how would I do that ?

-2- SOLVED The Icons (see screenshot) seem missing. What shoudl I tweak or change in order to make the visible ?


-3- SOLVED When clicking here (see screenshot) I still only have the option the upload from url, not from PC. So basically this AddOn is totally not doing what I bought it for :) What am I doing wrong ?


-4- SOLVED Where is the language file for the AddOn located ?

Thanks in advance for your help !
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For the first issue, what browser are you seeing that in?

For the second,that is not the proper icon to choose. The proper icon would be the paperclip one. Did you set up the options for attachments in, PM Attachment Settings, including usergroups?
Hi Ozzy, thanks for taking the time to reply.

-1- Win7 with Google Chrome 27.0.1453.94 m. But this is not a browser issue. This is how the team intended it to be.

-2- SOLVED The can not be paperclips, afterall I can not attach anything to a PM ;) They are the users avatars. But just now they popped up. I guess the system needed some time to generate them. I have to look into the "PM Attachment Settings," thing.

-3- SOLVED I also found out I installed the light version so I re-downloaded the real thing, and went throught the install / upgrade process again. The footer of the forum now states "Super PM System provided by vBSuper_PM (Pro) - ............."
I switched the AddOn off/on, but I can still not attach images to a PM :-(

-4- I found the language files. But could not find the text for the button "Reply To All Recipients"
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Ok cool, glad the avatars, and attachments is working.

The text, Reply To All Recipients, seems like I have that hard coded, I'll get that into a phrase in the next version, which should be out next Friday if all goes to plan.
Great !

-5- Tomorrow morning I need to figure out wht I can not have inline images.


-6- And why only the paperclip lets me upload a file. The Image Button still only allows me to insert an url.


But for now THANKS a LOT for helpiong me out !
For the time being, inline images you can click on the right side of the paperclip icon, around the arrow. That will open a box with items you selected, and you can insert inline that way.

With the next release, it will more resemble the same way you would do attachments in a post, with the inline button, and the button on the page for Manage Attachments.
That is good new Ozzy, thanks !

vBulletin has (too) many options and possibilities when attaching images and for many users that is confusing.

Therefore I think it is very important the look and feel for adding images is consistent between forum-post and pm-post. Especially for the more senior visitors of our forum.

Not to confuse our members I think we have to wait going live with this AddOn.

What is the ETA of the new version ?
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Great !

Q-1 is still open.

-1- I think the ACP pages "Private Message Statistics", "Private Message List" and "Latest PMs Sent" have some privacy issues and therefore I would like to disable them. Now how would I do that ?

Can I edit the php code to remove that ?
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I would like to remove the following features:

- Latest PMs Sent
- PM Statistics
- PM Log

Especially providing easy ways for Admins to read PrivateMessages (via PM Log) is something I definately want to remove. IMHO something like that is not-done. Afterall the P in PM stands for . . . . . . .
The PM Statistics don't show any information other than how many messages the member has stored, and how many are read/unread.

As far as the PM Log, only users who are set to superadministrator in includes/config.php will be able to read the private message if they wish to do so. Any other admins will only be able to see the rows, PM ID Number, From Member, Pm Title, To Member, PM Date which does not provide any sensitive information.
I just installed the newest version 1.2.0

But only the paperclip lets me upload a file. The Image Button still only allows me to insert an url.


What did I do wrong while installing this update ?
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The image button has nothing to do with the attachments in PM's, only the paperclip icon does.
I think this is very confusing because tons of user use that option in forum posts and they expect it to be there in PMs as well. Especially our senior users will not understand this.

In the fix list it stated "Pro - Added to the attachment in PM's, so now that it functions just like attachments in posts, with the manage attachments button and all."

So I expected the image button to work

I would really like to go live with this mod (which we only bought for the pm attachement options) is there any chance this issue can / will be fixed soon ?
You can add images via the paperclip icon, and the Manage Attachments button is just like in posts. Nowhere have I said anything about the Image button and it's functionality.

Attachments and Images are two different things, even in posts, so there is no fix for what you are asking, as the functionality don't exist.
I don't really understand your answer, sorry.

I can add inline images to a PM using the paperclip so I thought the functionality does excist ?!?
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