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I have set up a additional Admin Password,
And when trying to go to the ACP,
it first asks me to re-login (or re-authenticate), (what you normally get), and after filling it in,
the page is just keep loading...

nothing more...

(ps: I'm just testing the product out on my 1st test-site)
(with a little bit of luck I'll be able to test the product on my 2nd (alpha)test-site, lets hope I don't have the same thing then... I'll keep you posted about it. Just thought you might want to know this already...)
I'm probably doing something wrong... :(
On my Alpha site (2nd test-site) it is doing the same...

Step1: Login with the User on the forum.
Step2: Clicking on the link to the ACP
Log in
vBulletin 4.1.10 Admin Control Panel

User Name:
Putting same info as in Step 1

Thank you for logging in,
Step 4: An kind of "Authentication Required" pop-up.
http://**********.*** asks for a username and password. The website reports: “ALPHA SITE OF TDO Admin Control Panel”
User Name:
Filled in the same username, & the password that was filled in for the additional Admin Password. (I hope you know what I mean with that)
(even tried without filling in the username... & even tried with filling the normal username & password...)

But after that, the page is just loading... (on the left side of the favicon.ico is showing a kind of black key image...)
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Do you have any specific kind of restrictions on your server, like mod_security or the Programmer's Nightmare (A.K.A. Suhosin)?
Do you have any specific kind of restrictions on your server, like mod_security or the Programmer's Nightmare (A.K.A. Suhosin)?

not that I know of...

Could it be because it's a Test site???
(the files that were in the vBulletin "upload" folder are in (something like) : /public_html/T_D_O/alpha_site )
And that map "Alpha_Site" is Password Protected (via a tool "Password Protect Directories" that is available in my cPanel => .htaccess file) (I hope what I mean with all this...)

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:56 ----------

(PS: my first test site & 3th (= Beta-site) are also Protected that way...)

---------- Post added 31st January 2012 at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was 22nd January 2012 at 20:59 ----------

Hello Fillip H. ,
i just did another test. This time on my Beta-site (3th test-site).
Also here it was just loading... BUT it let me in the ACP, the moment I removed/disabled the "Password protect this directory" on my Beta-Site folder...
So it probably will work normal on my live site...

Now that that is "solved", another question...
Just before I launched my live site, I enabled the "Password protect this directory" on my Admincp- & Modcp-folder... Will this give me any problems? something similar as I had before? Do I have to disable those (like I did/tried with my beta-folder?)?

(Just to be really clear: Beta-folder is the folder where the complete vbulletin is installed in. (3th complete vbulletin test-site install))

Friendly greetings,

(just want to "update" (/mark) my site to (/as) "TDO v2.0.2" asap ;) )
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That would indeed be the issue, because the method my system employs is a PHP implementation of the "Password protect this directory" feature. It's the same thing :)
That would indeed be the issue, because the method my system employs is a PHP implementation of the "Password protect this directory" feature. It's the same thing :)

So when I install it on my live site,
best to remove the "Password protect this directory" on the Admincp and/or Modcp (when using the "Administrator Security" (Security Settings: Admins))?
or what would be best to use? the "Password protect this directory" or your "Administrator Security"?)
And while Talking about the Admin Security.... is Moderator included? if not, what do you think about adding?
I don't know... Just thinking on the go here... ;)

(sorry if my post looks confusing)
Friendly greetings,
The benefit of cPanel's htaccess protection is that it's harder to crack. By definition the passwords are stored in a fashion more secure than it is possible to store vBSecurity's passwords.

The benefit of vBSecurity's passwords is that you can have one unique for each Administrator. If you demote one of your Administrators, their password is automatically revoked and they will not be able to access the AdminCP as their old password will no longer work, even if they had access to another Administrator's account. In this scenario, you'd need to change and distribute a new cPanel htaccess password every time that happens.

It does not currently work for the ModCP due to the fact that moderators are not stored in the same way Administrators are, making it more challenging to do. It's something we'll evaluate in a future version, though :)
The benefit of cPanel's htaccess protection is that it's harder to crack. By definition the passwords are stored in a fashion more secure than it is possible to store vBSecurity's passwords.

The benefit of vBSecurity's passwords is that you can have one unique for each Administrator. If you demote one of your Administrators, their password is automatically revoked and they will not be able to access the AdminCP as their old password will no longer work, even if they had access to another Administrator's account. In this scenario, you'd need to change and distribute a new cPanel htaccess password every time that happens.

It does not currently work for the ModCP due to the fact that moderators are not stored in the same way Administrators are, making it more challenging to do. It's something we'll evaluate in a future version, though :)

I'm not sure what I should use..., probably in my situation, to keep the "cPanel's htaccess protection"...
Scenario: *actually only 2 (real) persons have access to the ACP. Me (the co-founder & webmaster of the clan) & the founder of the clan. And I gave him the "htaccess protection" info. (Just when writing this, I remembered, that when necessary any DBT-staff should get access to it too...).
* 4 accounts/members/usernames have access to the ACP (1 account for the founder & 3 accounts for me (my super-admin account, my normal imported account & an account I made with the name of the clan)). (& also DBT-staff, when needed.)

So for that "htaccess protection", I have a username & password for me & the founder. And I'll make/add another one for the DBT-staff...
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