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Here's something else that I'd respectfully request be looked at for the final release ... :)

For years, we've used the "Bounced Mail" mod, to handle members who's emails have been marked as invalid when something has bee sent to them.

Essentially, it sends them a PM asking them to provide a new valid email, but it also flags the "Receive Admin Emails" as NO in their user account, since there's no point in any mod trying to send emails to an invalid email address.

Of course, when I user registers, they can also turn OFF the "Receive Admin Emails" option, which basically says they don't want to be bothered with emails from our site at all, which would presumably include emails from a vbMail list.

I just did a test and discovered that vbMail sends emails to members, even though they have "Receive Admin Emails" set to OFF, which seems to contradict the design point of letting a user decide at this level, his interactivity with our site.

Can we have an option in vbMail options that basically says.

Send emails to users whose "Receive Admin Emails" is set to OFF .... YES/NO

Perhaps at the same time, if their "Receive Admin Emails" is set to OFF, they NOT be included as being subscribed to any mailing lists?

Thanks for considering this ...

Considering that unlike vBulletin standard email sending, there's a direct link to unsubscribe them from the mailing list, its not as big of a deal.

We'll take it into consideration :)
Considering that unlike vBulletin standard email sending, there's a direct link to unsubscribe them from the mailing list, its not as big of a deal.

We'll take it into consideration :)

It is something we will strive to get added in for gold.

Thank you for considering it ... :)

I realize that it's not part if vBulletin sending, but if I were a registered user who had signed up for a site and checked off a box that I didn't want to receive emails from members, nor from site staff, then I started receiving emails marketing the site, I think I'd be an unhappy camper. :D

We have over 16,000 members with a demographic of most being 60+ and a very large segment of them who don't want to receive emails from anyone, so either by choice or via the mod mentioned above, their receive Admin email option is OFF.

So, skipping them and making sure they are not in any mailing list's subscribed database would be really helpful to us, or were going to be fielding a lot of complaints on one hand and on the other, we're going to have an immediately huge bounced list because of all the folks who never addressed their "bad" email address after we asked them to.

Yes it is :p

Ok sneaky ... :D

Where have you hidden it? I've looked at all the settings and I can't find out where I set that?

.... of course, my wife says if you give me a coffee break, you have to re-train me, so it may be staring be in the face .. :D

I found the extra "view" box from the other thread ... ;)

There's no setting, it's automatic :)

That makes sense. :)

Does it just skip them during the send process, or does it skip them during the process of auto subscribing when you do that part of creating a mailing list.

During the beta, I had already setup and auto subscribed registered members to a specific newsletter. So, there's probably a whole lot of users in that list. Do I need to delete the list, recreate it and re-auto subscribe to eliminate the ones who have the Receive admin emails OFF?

Thanks ....

It will skip them during mail sending :)

Just did a test run with the new final gold version of 1.03 Pro ...

I have a user "Tester" in that group and I had set his options to not receive Admin emails (see pic) ...

When the send screen was being displayed and it got to him, I notice that it said OK as being sent...

So, I checked tester's inbox and the email had been sent and received, even though the Admin email option is OFF ... :confused:

Thanks .. :)



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Ok, just tested 1.04 and it skipped the test user who had his "Receive Admin Emails" set to OFF .... yea!!!! :D

Note: version number still show 1.03 (Pro) at bottom of main application screen, but it is 1.04 installed ... ;)

Glad it is working for you now, I am sure Fillip H. will fix the version number on the next patch, or hotfix it.
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Legacy vBMail

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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