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Whenever Asteroids submits a score it shows the forum home in the game square with this error

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nextgen/public_html/vb/arcade.php on line 107

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nextgen/public_html/vb/arcade.php on line 526

I've already deleted and re-imported.

Its Asteroids from the v3 Live install. I don't know if its installing correct or not (I just noticed that none of the v3 games are importing the category's, and I do click on the check box before import.. Not sure if its related)
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I just deleted the asteroids game, and used the live install service on trekkans site.

Everything went off without a hitch. I played the game, no errors, saved a score, submitted a comment, and it even worked with the global system :D

bravo - make sure you are using latest beta, delete the old asteroids, and live-install a new one!
Cool, thanks DW. I'm not sure what changed, but... that game just never installed ok for me. hehe

One bug on it, if you look at the game on the front end, currently it shows you with the high score, but when I view it, it shows me as #1 as well, having the same score you do.
Space invaders installed ok for me now as well. The only difference I can think of (assuming you didn't change anything in the code) is that I was trying to install these games all at the same time. The last two installs from there (Asteroids and Space Invaders), were each done alone.
Can you try installing 2+ new live install games at the same time and seeing how they go?

I didnt change anything relating to live install games between 10 and 11

I notice the global scores/plays are switched, and it shows the time-score for scoreless games that have yet to fetch global info, and thats fixed in the next beta.

can you post a screenshot of what you see on the asteroids panel trekkan?
Ok, still can't import any games from v3arcade as the site is down (for, or everyone? I dunno). Maybe they are moving it to vba or something today.
yeah its not resolving for me now either. good thing we got in that single game test :p

of course, would suck if their live install service was not working after its back up >.<
Maybe a dumb question, but I have a IPB account, a Mochi account, where do I get a v3 account?
Thanks I registered there, got a free license, now where do I configure it on there for the live install service?
use the second link dxtgaming posted. as long as the url is for the domain vbarcade is using, and you ignore the v3arcade_admin.php bit, it will work with vbarcade :p
Ok maybe I am stupid, but do I have to have v3arcade installed in order for it to work?

The url I provided there is the same as vBArcade is running on.
Nope, v3arcade should not be installed at all, but of course hardcodes that path (and i cant alter what their site says or does). If your htaccess is up to date and working, just go through the checkout process at and vbarcade will take care of the rest.
OK I have the latest htaccess provided in latest beta, I did the checkout thing, and got a 404 error,
The requested URL /v3arcade_admin.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request

And in ACP when I click on import gamesv3 Arcade I get this message, The v3 Arcade live install service must be initiated from your account at v3 Arcade's website. Disregard the AdminCP link shown if your rewrite rules are up to date.
is that htaccess in your forum root? i didnt place it there by default for the cases where some users have one already and need to merge it. thats one of the things that absolutely requires an htaccess (since v3arcade the site directly sends to that url). that error indicates the htaccess did not reroute the request.
I have it in the root, and under the public html folder, the public html folder has some other info in the ht assess, but I put the info from your htassess file in there.
it cant be at the same level as your htdocs folder - it has to be directly in it. if you had another htaccess file, paste it here zipped and ill edit it for you.
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