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David Aflalo

Please see in all the forums no see the the "thanks" "like" or other ... Does not appear anywhere.

You can browse the site no see anyhing . and i set the button Permissions .

Thanks for help .
I'm again ,

Now see the button . but where i can change the Language ?
Thanks / Like Statistics -

why have problem with (3) the number given thanks or like look the link..

more problem . when i click like or thanks and then i want open the stastic table by the click - and it's take me to error page


Thanks for help
Now see the button .
What was changed to make the buttons appear?

but where i can change the Language ?
Phrase Manager.

why have problem with (3) the number given thanks or like look the link..
Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say. I see no problems with that page.

more problem . when i click like or thanks and then i want open the stastic table by the click - and it's take me to error page
That cannot be resolved. You must refresh the page after clicking like or thanks before you can open the statistics table.
Thanks for your answer .

I have more q please ,
How can change the table static to smaller . like othe forum , no table .

and How can fixed this problem look the space between thanks , like , dislike
my mod not like here . here is good and small font .

i'm not find the "given" where change Language


How can change the table static to smaller . like othe forum , no table .
Change the contents of dbtech_thanks_postbit to
{vb:raw stats}

and How can fixed this problem look the space between thanks , like , dislike
my mod not like here . here is good and small font .
Sorry, that's an issue with your skin. You should ask your skin developer.

i'm not find the "given" where change Language
Phrase varname dbtech_thanks_given
Change the contents of dbtech_thanks_postbit to
{vb:raw stats}

where ?

<vb:if condition="!$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_nocollapse']">
<dd class="collapse" style="font-weight:bold; clear:both;">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_stats} <a class="collapse" id="collapse_c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top" style="position:relative; top:0px; right:0px; float:none;" ><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" alt="" /></a></dd>
<dl id="c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" style="display:none;">
{vb:raw stats}
<vb:if condition="!$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_nocollapse']">
more problem . when i clicked "like" and after dislike so it's show them together .

View attachment 3603
I don't see a problem?

If you want to disallow clicking both Like and Dislike, edit each button and set the "Exclusivity" settings in the bottom beneath the usergroup permissions.

where ?

<vb:if condition="!$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_nocollapse']">
<dd class="collapse" style="font-weight:bold; clear:both;">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_stats} <a class="collapse" id="collapse_c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top" style="position:relative; top:0px; right:0px; float:none;" ><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" alt="" /></a></dd>
<dl id="c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" style="display:none;">
{vb:raw stats}
<vb:if condition="!$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_nocollapse']">
Replace all of that with
{vb:raw stats}

i'm no have devloper , please help me .
We are unable to assist with cosmetic customisations, sorry :(
Please answer and help me

I bought the mod including installation.

They told me install it as I want.
What I paid for the installation!? I know to install

If not, return the money of the installation.

First ,How can add or change color on this :

This new why it's break line ? i need to know how fixed this , here is snall font and very good ! .


More ,
How can set the table like this and small fonts.


And here is small table , Look please


Please help
And i have bug ! When clicked like and unlike it's show them together ?! Why !?!? SAME USER !


How it's happen ?! When I click like - should appear automatically cancel button liked.

Last edited:
I bought the mod including installation.

They told me install it as I want.
What I paid for the installation!? I know to install

If not, return the money of the installation.
You gave us explicit notification that you had read and understood what "Professional Installation" meant before we took any money from you. If you did not read or did not understand the terms, you should have posted a Pre-Sales Question.

We cannot be held liable for something we asked you to read and confirm for us you read if you chose not to read it.

First ,How can add or change color on this
Edit the template dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries and change this code:
<div class="posthead">
to something like:
<div class="posthead" style="background-color:#000000; color:#FFFFFF">
Then edit the colours to your liking.

This new why it's break line ? i need to know how fixed this , here is snall font and very good ! .

More ,
How can set the table like this and small fonts.

And here is small table , Look please

Please help
Sorry, I do not understand what you are asking. I cannot help when I do not understand what you want me to help with :(

And i have bug ! When clicked like and unlike it's show them together ?! Why !?!? SAME USER !


How it's happen ?! When I click like - should appear automatically cancel button liked.
No, it should not.

I have already instructed you how to make the buttons exclusive with each other.

Edit each button, set "Exclusive", save. I have performed this edit on your forum.
Last edited:
That cannot be done as it's a part of the CSS in vBulletin.

You can, however, choose to integrate it into the signature area like we have it here on DBTech, by changing the vBulletin Options for this mod. You can choose "Below Signatures" for the display area to get a display like ours :)
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