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I have a problem that was not mentioned in this forum yet to the best of my knowledge.

I was trying the LITE version for a few days and now upgraded to Pro hoping that would alleviate it but its still occurring.

What is happening is in the postbit legacy only the word "LIKE" is appearing, no images, and particularly no THANKS or DISLIKE text, buttons, or links.

So there's only "LIKE" even though the others are turned on in the admincp settings.

Next, the postbit stats for each user, it will say Thanks / Likes but it will not display any data. This carries over to the User Profile tab for Post Thanks/like, nothing there.

Lastly, the thanks.php=?statistics page does not display any stats either.

It's bizarre because users have been hitting "LIKE" and they are tabulated above the first post and within each post, but it just seems like the plugin isn't getting the data from the DB to insert into stats and what not. It sounds like the same problem is causing the absence of data tabulation, but the THANKS and DIS LIKE buttons are missing too. ?tab=likes_given#likes_given ?tab=likes_given#likes_received work fine which makes it more bizarre.

screen capture 2012-3-7-1-19-36.png
screen capture 2012-3-7-1-27-49.png
screen capture 2012-3-7-1-27-6.png
screen capture 2012-3-7-1-21-37.png

This happens on default theme and custom theme and on any browser, so it's not that.

Not sure what's going on, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Can you click the "Repair Cache" link under DBTech - Post Thanks in the ACP.

If that doesn't work, can you please disable all other modifications and see if that works.

If neither of the above options work please wait until Fillip H. gets online to assist you further. :)
If the above does not work, please PM me with an FTP account and an AdminCP account and I'll look into it :)
Thanks for the quick reply, just to note this is an upgrade from vb3 to the latest vb4 and I have experienced some problems with other modifications and with the SQL. I have a clean install on another forum right to vb4.1.11 (on the same day, same host) and those same problems did not occur.

I forget which plugin it was, but during the upgrade, they advise to disable all plugins. I did that, but simply having this one mod installed (and disabled) was causing a problem still, so I uninstalled it; my point being I just uninstalled all these old vb3 mods just now. This did not do the trick for the THANKS/LIKE mod.

So the repair button had no effect.

I disabled other mods, interestingly disabling VBSEO made the "LIKE" and likes at the top completely disappear.

I just disabled all other mods and still no luck. I have been having trouble with the Everywhere Sidebar, but disabling that had no effect on the Thanks/Like mod.

I am going to PM you now Fillip H..

Thanks for the help thus far. :cool:
Thanks for the quick reply, just to note this is an upgrade from vb3 to the latest vb4 and I have experienced some problems with other modifications and with the SQL. I have a clean install on another forum right to vb4.1.11 (on the same day, same host) and those same problems did not occur.

I forget which plugin it was, but during the upgrade, they advise to disable all plugins. I did that, but simply having this one mod installed (and disabled) was causing a problem still, so I uninstalled it; my point being I just uninstalled all these old vb3 mods just now. This did not do the trick for the THANKS/LIKE mod.

So the repair button had no effect.

I disabled other mods, interestingly disabling VBSEO made the "LIKE" and likes at the top completely disappear.

I just disabled all other mods and still no luck. I have been having trouble with the Everywhere Sidebar, but disabling that had no effect on the Thanks/Like mod.

I am going to PM you now Fillip H..

Thanks for the help thus far. :cool:

just a note that the LIKE and likes at the top are actually a VBSEO feature and totally separate from APTL.
Aha! That explains why they disappeared when I disabled VBSEO.

In that case, nothing is really working for the Thanks/Likes mod.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, I'd still love to get it working.

I've gotten it working - somewhat.

I re-ran the "finalise install" aspect of the mod - this re-populated the "statistics" table and thus allowed for button clicks to work correctly. In addition, I had to remove the collapse element from your Postbit Stats template for APTL, because due to vBSEO and a half-broken skin (the ZenWaves one) your skin is unable to correctly load images like the collapse images.

In addition, that skin is not properly working with vB4 and several aspects of APTL may look completely weird. This includes, but may not be limited to, the "integrate into signatures" button placement choice not working correctly (buttons will appear outside post, the "who clicked" list inside the signature area as intended) and "Thanks for this post" links having a silvery background.

I'm not a skin developer so I am sadly unable to assist in fixing these issues, as they do not appear on the default vBulletin 4 skin (as evidenced by this forum). I would suggest either commissioning an entirely new skin developed specifically for vB4 from the ground up, or acquire a free one from

The most I am able to assist with is the "silvery background" issue:

This is most commonly the result of CSS settings, namely the background attribute of the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, in postbit.css.
To fix it, please try the following steps:

Step 1) Remove all the contents of the postbit_control_background StyleVar.
Step 2) If that didn't fix it, please enter the postbit.css file and find the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, and remove the background: definition.

Beyond these issues, the mod appears to be working :)

That being said, several aspects of the mod does rely on HTML replacements via JS and as such, until you have corrected the skin issues mentioned above there may be unresolvable issues with the mod that my simple "click thanks button and see it working" test did not reveal.

You should now enter the AdminCP and under DBTech - Post Thanks click Button Management -> Edit for each button and set Can Click / other usergroup permissions as you desire.

If you do not see that AdminCP menu group, please add your userid to superadministrators in config.php :)
Thanks Fillip H.!

I'm actually pretty happy with the way it is now, I just had a chance to check it out.

No worries about not being able to help with the Style, I already got in touch with the creators on a different issue and I "should" be fully supported for a year with the purchase of it, so we'll see what they say; I shall pass along everything you said on the matter. Sadly they too have not gotten back to me for over a week, so I might just use a different skin if the above issue and the other issues I emailed them about go unanswered.

I was under the impression there has been some database issues since I upgraded from vb3 to vb4, some strange things going on with this and that but I had no idea this style was causing problems too.

Anyway, thanks a million for your help which was super fast and spot on, and I look forward to using your other products as well.

Have a great day, mate.

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