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I currently getting some errors after uninstall Abe's script.

What would be the best import method for the DB Mod, getting rid of the Abe's files?
After you've imported from Abe's mod, all that should be needed is to uninstall that product.

If that has been done and errors are still occurring, please post them in this thread and I'll take a look.
That reminds me... I need to uninstall that mod completely. I'll let you know if I have any issues with that. If so, they wouldn't be from a DBT mod, but Abe's. but anyway, I'll let you know.
When i uninstall the script for some reason the thanked old info as gone, uninstalling is script seems to remove the tables, i fixed it already this way (if anyone need to do it too).

Exported the table post_thanks using the CSV mode
Edit the CSV and delete the field Username
Insert thow new fields "entrytype" and "contenttype"
Fill the "entrytype" field with thanks
Fill the "contenttype" field with post
Sort the fields by: entryid entrytype userid contenttype contentid dateline
Import that CSV into the table vb_dbtech_thanks_entry

Im not a MySql expert maybe can be done in other simple way, but so far this have worked :)
Ok, uninstalled and no problems.

One thing I could see happening though is during the uninstall, the uninstall script timing out since there could be a lot of data it needs to remove. So the uninstall wouldn't happen cleanly, which could cause problems. I was getting concerned about mine timing out and I don't have too large a board. But all is working fine for me.
How many thanked posts you had ?

Sorry, no idea. I've been running that mod for about a year, I have 35,000 posts. So like I said, not too big. But with a script timeout of generally I think 30 seconds, I was probably at about 20 seconds or so when it finally completed.
I had about 5300 thanked i was using tis mod for ages, not sure if was something related to that since it was upgraded from vB3x, anyway its working good and without losing the old data (The members would kill me for missing that).
Ok, I'm seeing some errors now that I uninstalled the old one... ugh.

Invalid SQL:

SELECT userid, usergroupid, displaygroupid, username, posts, post_thanks_thanked_times
FROM dhv_user AS user
WHERE post_thanks_thanked_times > '0'
ORDER BY post_thanks_thanked_times DESC
LIMIT 0, 15;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'post_thanks_thanked_times' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, June 3rd 2010 @ 05:36:44 PM
Error Date : Thursday, June 3rd 2010 @ 05:36:44 PM
Script :
That would indeed be an error in Abe's mod, his uninstaller didn't work properly.

ALTER TABLE dhv_user DROP post_thanks_thanked_times

Anybody else with this error please replace "dhv_" with your own table prefix.
That would indeed be an error in Abe's mod, his uninstaller didn't work properly.

ALTER TABLE dhv_user DROP post_thanks_thanked_times

Anybody else with this error please replace "dhv_" with your own table prefix.

Looks like it is already gone:

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1091
error desc: Can't DROP 'post_thanks_thanked_times'; check that column/key exists

I'm guessing that it's modified some query somewhere and that's what needs to be cleaned up.
When you downloaded the zip, a folder called thanks_import came along with the thanks_pro folder.
Please follow the instructions in the readme file of the thanks_import folder.
It's only designed to work with Abe's mod, I'm not aware of there being any other Thanks mod out there :)
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