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I have installed as per the instructions, the Thanks mod is active and in admincp

But in my forum there are no thanks / likes / dislike buttons under any posts ?

Must be something i have missed but what ?

1. Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory. DONE

2. CHMOD the following folders to 0777
/dbtech/thanks/vbactivity_type DONE

3. Import the product-dbtech_thanks.xml file from the "XML" folder at AdminCP ->
Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product DONE

4. Configure your Usergroup settings by clicking "Permissions" under
"DBTech - Post Thanks" in your AdminCP navigation menu. DONE
Me if I understand with lite version, I can't use buttons thanks/unthanks/etc with a forum but only with a category, true or false? thx

I think you need to go to your admincp > DB-Tech Post Thanks > Settings > Select DragonByteTech: Advances Post Thanks / Like General Settings ( Edit Settings ) and within the setting you can find the following:

(Pro) Integrate Action Buttons

Choose Yes , This setting controls whether the action buttons are integrated with the "Post Foot" area (where the "Report" button etc is located).

And then the buttons will be there.

Ok I workd it out

Bit silly really that its not in the help install file and doesnt tick by default

DBTech Post Thanks > Manage Buttons > Thanks EDIT THIS

In there are permissions all defaulted to unticked

Same for Likes and Dislikes

I think you need to go to your admincp > DB-Tech Post Thanks > Settings > Select DragonByteTech: Advances Post Thanks / Like General Settings ( Edit Settings ) and within the setting you can find the following:

(Pro) Integrate Action Buttons

Choose Yes , This setting controls whether the action buttons are integrated with the "Post Foot" area (where the "Report" button etc is located).

And then the buttons will be there.


Thanks, i had already found that and set it up but it didnt display the thanks, see my post above, fixed it now
I have amended the readme for Pro customers, the Lite one will be updated with the next bugfix patch.

Sorry about the confusion :(

For the future, please enter the correct forum URL when creating a new issue, so as to not cause any confusion for our support agents. Thanks :)
I have amended the readme for Pro customers, the Lite one will be updated with the next bugfix patch.

Sorry about the confusion :(

For the future, please enter the correct forum URL when creating a new issue, so as to not cause any confusion for our support agents. Thanks :)


Is the www site i enter visible by all, as the sites not live yet and i didnt want it publicised ?

Hence not putting details in
No it's not shown to the public at all :)

When you post a new issue, any field that is written in Italics is not visible to other members :)
User can like / thank a post - but cannot see "thanked / liked" info below post. I've made sure permissions are okay for the user/forum. Yes - I've toggled the "Post Foot" settings. vb 4.07

Nothing within

<vb:if condition="$thanks OR $likes">


in dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries does not appear - even if I manually enter a character.
Last edited:
Please ensure you have reverted all customised templates and/or fully upgraded to the latest version of APTL :)
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