Question How long to import 1.3 million of ABe's thanks records?

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It started doing 15 per page and at 103,000 I decided to try and speed it up by doing 1000 per page, so I hit the back button, changed the per page figure and hit go.
It's now just refreshing the page with
at the pace of about 2 startat increments per second.
Is this going to take 51,000 seconds (14 hours) before we start doing 1000 per page?

Is there a faster way of doing this? I know SQL.
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I've made a change to thanksimport.php that might alleviate this issue. Please try re-downloading and re-uploading that file.
Thanks. I stopped the script and pointed my browser to the last ID that has been imported : 112493
and it's flying through. Do I still need to download your new script?

Also is the total thanks/likes count below posts supposed to update via Ajax when the Thank / Like buttons are clicked? Because they are not.
They stay at 0/0 when either or both of the thank/like buttons are clicked. The display of the
Thanks Stuart Wright thanked for this post
Likes Stuart Wright liked this post

under the post is fine when the buttons are clicked.
I have to refresh the page to show the correct totals.

I am using the Lite version, by the way. If I can get this working and looking nice, I will buy the full version.
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You don't need the new script if its beginning to import entries now, no :)

They are not supposed to update via AJAX no, the sidebar in the postbit is not AJAX'd. Various visual issues on quick edit or click may occur with the postbit, but they will all go away on refresh :)
You don't need the new script if its beginning to import entries now, no :)

They are not supposed to update via AJAX no, the sidebar in the postbit is not AJAX'd. Various visual issues on quick edit or click may occur with the postbit, but they will all go away on refresh :)
Hmmm. I'm not talking about the side bar (under the user name).
I'm refering to the totals in the dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries template in the $extrainfo variable.
I can understand how it might be a pain to achieve, but I would say that not updating the bottom totals (at least) is counter intuitive when Ajax is updating the visible thanks and the available buttons right underneath.
Hey, sorry for the delay, must have missed this thread :(

The values are updating via AJAX for me on this forum, can you test it out here and see if you get similar results?
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