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I need one of the staff member to post me the proper instruction to fully uninstall vbcredit from my forum. I plan on reinstalling it again so I can have a fresh copy installed. So far I've tried uninstalling it through admin panel but its timing out every 30 seconds. I've been using vbcredit for a very long time + my forum has over 600k members so i'm sure there are tons of db records created. Looking forward to getting some help on this. thanks
There's no other way to remove it other than using the uninstall function in the AdminCP.

Can you provide more information regarding the timeouts?
I am getting this database error when I try removing it from admincp:

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM credits_currency;

MySQL Error : Table 'game_forum.credits_currency' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
This is most likely due to your previous broken uninstall.

Edit dbtech/credits/credits_installer.php and remove the following block of code:
	$currencies = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "credits_currency");

	while ($currency = $db->fetch_array($currencies))
	{	//remove any added currency columns
		if (!$currency['blacklist']) tablesync(( $currency['useprefix'] ? TABLE_PREFIX : '' ) . $currency['table'], array($currency['column']));
Okay so I did what you said and was able to successfully remove the plugin. I just tried reinstalling a fresh copy of it and while it was importing the product, it returned a db error:

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `post` ADD `chargecontent` TEXT NOT NULL;

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'chargecontent'
Error Number : 1060

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Are you able to give me phpMyAdmin and AdminCP access to your forum? If so, I can get it sorted for you :)
I believe it's now been installed. I am unable to verify, as I can no longer access the AdminCP because of the .htaccess protection. The restrictions you placed on my account also prevents me from seeing the admin controls for newly created products, so even with the .htaccess info I would not be able to verify that the Credits pages display without errors.

Could you please verify the functionality of the mod now?
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