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New member
ok well i installed this mod fine.
no issues.
thanks work and everything.
only issue is i cannot REQUIRE thanks.
there is no option to do this.
see here:


i am in the administrator usergroup and i have selected the permissions correctly,
by checking off "Can Require Thanks"

i dunno what the issue is.
can you help?
Is it enabled for the category in which the thread is being posted? Forum Manager under the thanks ACP menu group.
I'm not sure then, but there's a maintenance release coming out in a few days, maybe that'll fix the issue :)
This may be a silly question, but you do know it isn't applied to posts automatically yes? That the person making the post has to check the "require thanks to view" button?
Are you sure your usergroup has permissions to use it? Beyond that I'd need ftp and access to the affected account to test it out.

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welp, reinstalled and voila.
2 questions.
i see that i can require thanks to view attachments...
is there anyway i can change this to bbcode?
cuz i want it to hide the code bbcode until thanked.
Also, is there anyway to mass fix this?
like before i didnt have the option to require thanks, but now i do.
so i want to mass select this option for a whole forum of threads.
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There's no bbcode option yet, we might add it in a future version, though :)

The only way to update old threads is to run a query, tell me your table prefix and what forum id you want to update.

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
well i have a parent forum: sports
and children forums: basketball, baseball, etc
will the query fix the sports and all children as well?
and is there an option to have selected information not available until thanks.
like i want to do a recap and then a spoiler of the final score will popup once thanked.
No I will need all Forum IDs that you want to enable the option for, including sub-forums.

There's currently no option to hide only selected text.
SQL Query:
UPDATE TABLEPREFIXpost AS post SET dbtech_thanks_requirethanks = '1'
LEFT JOIN TABLEPREFIXthread AS thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
WHERE thread.forumid IN(30,39,40,41,42,43,44,91)

Replace TABLEPREFIXwith your table prefix as found in config.php
got an error:

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN thread AS thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
WHERE' at line 2
Ah try this:
LEFT JOIN TABLEPREFIXthread AS thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
SET dbtech_thanks_requirethanks = '1'
WHERE thread.forumid IN(30,39,40,41,42,43,44,91)
now getting:

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1054
error desc: Unknown column 'dbtech_thanks_requirethanks' in 'field list'

btw, i dont have any prefix so you dont have to add that to the code.
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