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Alisa Lindsay

Good Day,

I just installed 4.0.3 and the various mods on my live site, including InfoPanels Lite.

The Top 5 Stats section keeps setting to reloading and hangs there. I've twiddled the settings a bit, but it won't work. Right now I have it turned off as it's distracting.

Has anyone else reported this problem or had an issue with it?


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The only other person I know of who's had problems with InfoPanels fixed it by re-uploading the files and re-importing the XML.
Does that work for you?

If not, try viewing the page in Firefox with the Error Console (Tools -> Error Console) open and see if you get any JavaScript errors. If so, post them here and I'll take a look-see :)
So far a total new download and upload seems to have worked! I think I did it better than my tech guy did. Just kidding 'cause he's really awesome and puts up with a lot from me.!
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