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Alisa Lindsay

Good Day,

I have a minor issue with the Info Panels Pro mod on two of my boards. I am the first to say it might be an installation issue or a setting I've missed although I, and my tech, have gone over everything and cannot find the problem.

The Welcome Panel @ Mana4X2 (4.0.6) shows the following information:

There have been 2 posts and 0 threads since your last visit at 05:45 PM 10-03-2010.
The time is currently 08:05 AM, on 10-04-2010.
You have 0 unread Private Messages (4 total Private Messages). Forum Statistics: 177 Members, 508 Threads, 2,059 Posts.
Mana4X2 is our top poster with 337 posts. » You have 75 Posts and 32 Threads.
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While the Welcome Panels @ Stargate Command RPG (4.0.3) and Babylon 5: Shadows of Peace (4.0.3) only show the following information, although ALL checkboxes in options (Admin CP) are ticked.

The time is currently 10:37 AM, on 10-04-2010.
You have 0 unread Private Messages (0 total Private Messages). Forum Statistics: 28 Members, 171 Threads, 621 Posts.
Capt. Jericho Cain is our top poster with 168 posts. » You have 168 Posts and 87 Threads.
» You have 1.02 posts per day (0 posts today).
» You own 27.05% of the forum's posts.
This is not a stop the show issue, but since I did pay good $$$ for these mods, I'd like to get all features working.

Help, please.

Warmest Regards,

Alisa (who will feel like an idiot if it's a simple setting)
Have you customised any InfoPanels templates? If you previously had IP Lite installed, did you re-upload all files and re-import the Pro XML file?
I don't recall customizing any of the templates beyond using the Branding Free directions. And at the two afflicted boards, I bought Pro right off for them, did not upgrade (to the best of my recollection).


Maybe copy the dbtech_infopanel_panel template from Mana4X2 and copy it to Stargate Command RPG, and see if that helps.

Make a copy of the original template from Stargate Command RPG so if it does not work you can replace it!
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