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Sometimes, quite often, when posting a new topic,reply and so on.
The points in postbit show as 0 and 0 banked even too its not like that.
example : Shop Points 0 (0 Banked)
real value : Shop Points 78 (8,533 Banked)
The first one is like that if they are posting via quick reply, if you refresh the page after that they should show up correctly.

The second post I dunno, it looks to me like something is off, but Fillip H. will know for sure.
Ozzy is correct, the first issue is not a bug, and I don't see an issue with the second screenshot either.
How is this postbit thing not a bug? It's extremely annoying and users freak out about their missing points daily.
Lack of supporting a feature is not the same as supporting a feature yet having the display broken ;)

There's currently no support for Quick Reply or Quick Edit displaying correct data because it's a minor visual issue that doesn't affect the functionality of the mod, and it would take additional development time to code for and ensure compatibility with these displays across vB4 versions (which have changed this behaviour).
Alright, well this is definitely the #1 thing wrong with the plugin to me. I would love this to be "fixed" in the next version.
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Legacy vBShop

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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