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When I go to action manager and try to create a new event I can't use ctrl+click to select a combination of usergroups, it only allows one usergroup to be selected.

Below it, ctrl + click works as it should for selecting forums.

I don't mind applying the events to all usergroups, I'm only reporting the problem as it looks like it should allow ctrl+click there rather than one selection.

Also images/misc/tick.png, as used in the list of available actions doesn't exist. If it's a default image it's not in 3.7.
the ctrl click is a browser thing, i was only listing the key combo instructions for it as a courtesy :p

if you are on a mac, its command+click, but if none of that works then its the problem of your browser.

in any case, you should be able to click the dropdown, then hold down the mouse button and drag it through the list for the same effect (however it doesnt remember what you previously selected if you repeat this after letting go of the mouse button and clicking somewhere else)
the usergroup section simply doesn't allow multiple selection in the same way that the forum section does!

Ctrl+click, and holding and dragging the mouse both work in the forum list but not in the usergroup list. Same in opera, firefox and chrome.
Those two fields are marked identically, I cant imagine this being anything but a browser discrepancy somehow. If you would like, send me your admin login details and I will try it myself - all of the other admincps I've been on had no issues with this.
Confirmed. Ctrl+click does NOT work when selecting multiple usergroups. It is not a browser issue because it does not work in majority or all browsers: IE, Firefox, Chrome.

I use the vBCredits II Deluxe v1.1.0 Lite, downloaded on 7/27/10.

This is extremely annoying because I have numerous user groups on my forum. I am not going to buy the Pro version until this bug is fixed.
This works fine in Opera 10.60, Firefox 3.6.8, IE8, Chrome 6.0.472.11 on Windows 7 Home Premium x64.
I have tried this absolutely everywhere - on all five major browser and on the windows and mac - no problems whatsoever. I had another staff member try it on his machines - no issues at all either.
I will need to see the admin panels for markber or 1-x to see if there is some other third party conflict happening, otherwise it is just a browser discrepancy.

Again, the forum-select element is identical to the usergroup-select one, and I am NOT actually implementing the "ctrl+click" functionality - that is what browsers provide automatically for all multiselect fields, I only included the instructions as a courtesy.
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What version of vBulletin are you two using? Again, PM me an admin login with vbcredits permissions so I can see if any other addon is throwing some sort of conflict.
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