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New member

I've installed vbshout lite 5.4.4, and things are running fairly smoothly. Just a couple questions:

1. Why is the Admin panel only showing up for the main administrator? I.e...No other admins or mods can view the DBTech - vbshout tab in the vbulletin admin panel. Is there a place I can change this setting?

2. I cannot seem to get the pm system working. I have set the permissions for proper usergroups to be able to send pm's through the shoutbox, but I still get the message "Error: The administrators have disabled the PM system for your usergroup."

Also, I have installed the vbshout statistics mod, but cannot figure out how to view the stats?

Thank you for any assistance.

1. Why is the Admin panel only showing up for the main administrator? I.e...No other admins or mods can view the DBTech - vbshout tab in the vbulletin admin panel. Is there a place I can change this setting?
Administrator Permissions screen -> Can Administer vBShout :)

2. I cannot seem to get the pm system working. I have set the permissions for proper usergroups to be able to send pm's through the shoutbox, but I still get the message "Error: The administrators have disabled the PM system for your usergroup."
Please check to see that the global PM switch is turned on in the settings above the permissions screen.

Also, I have installed the vbshout statistics mod, but cannot figure out how to view the stats?
Please contact the author of that mod as we have not released any such modification.
Fillip H.,

Thank you for your extremely quick reply!

1. I was able to fix the admin permissions, I didn't realize it would need to be done for each user. Thank you!

** 2. I'm having trouble finding the global PM switch you mentioned. Which admin page should I be viewing exactly to find that setting?

3. I didn't realize the chat statistics were a different company. Thank you!
Ah I forgot, the PM switch is for Pro-only.

I've been unable to confirm that issue after checking the "Can PM" boxes for all usergroups, I could send and receive PMs just fine.
It seems I don't have a 'can pm' box anywhere in my settings. (Not that I've found anywhere.)

These are the options in the instance permissions screen...


Can View Shoutbox

Can View Archive

Can Shout

Can Edit Own Shouts

Can Edit Others' Shouts

Can Prune

Can Set Sticky

Can Ban

Can Search Archive

Is Auto Idle

Can Create Chat Room

Is Protected Group

Can Moderate Chat

Enable Context Menu

Show Moderator Actions

On a sidenote -- what is the "Thank you, Like, Don't Like" modification that this forum is using? It looks different/better than the one I've installed on my forum.

Thank you, again for your assistance.
Whatever you changed in those files fixed the pm issue!! Thank you!

((EDIT - Maybe not yet)) These issues can be set marked "solved", or whatever term your forum uses.

Any idea on the "thank you" mod?
Last edited:
Well, something might not be working quite right yet...

On 2 seperate browsers I'm logged into 2 different users. When I send a pm from username "Admin", it states: [PM to] Admin : text.

When the other user receives the pm it also states: [PM to] Admin : text.

Not sure what's happening there, or if it's actually doing the correct thing? Thoughts?
Hmm that's strange, when I am signed in as two different users, ans send one a pm it shows to the sender,
[PM to Captain Kirk]
: test again

And to the receiver it shows:

[PM to Captain Kirk]
:test again

Which is correct, Ozzy47 should show to both users

The Thanks Like mod DBTech has is Advanced Post Thanks which DBTech offers two versions, a lite one found here.

And a paid Pro version, found here:
Well I have upgraded Vbulletin to 4.1.4 all working great in the past week. Upgraded Lite Shoutbox 5.4.4 and there is no PM feature anymore. Also I now have an error at the top of my CP when viewing Instance Management > Editing Instance.
Error reads;
Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in [path]/dbtech/vbshout/actions/admin/instance.php on line 207
Thanks I have done that, but now I do not have a dbyte box in the lefthand banner of my AdminCP
I only have the DByte Tech:vBShout - General Options in the main drop down box.
Thanks I had checked that already, still have error
Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in [path]/dbtech/vbshout/actions/admin/instance.php on line 207
I just checked the files available from our Lite Downloads area and it does not contain the code that produces that error. Please try deleting any downloaded zips and then try again :)
Fillip H. thanks for you help but I am still getting errors and limited function on the lite version.

vBulletin is 4.1.4
Shoutbox Lite is 5.4.4 (as downloaded in the last 30 minutes of this post).
User installer is SuperAdmin
Disabled forum and disabled Shoutbox
Uninstalled Shoutbox Lite through AdminCP
Manually removed all files/or that were previously uploaded through the last install of Shoutbox

Uploaded new Shoutbox lite package
Set permissions to aop to 777
Added XML through Plugin Manager
Forum enabled and Shoutbox appears

Users cannot PM eachother by clicking on username in shoutbox - it now goes to their profile
Even though enabled in General Options New Posts and Thread notifications do not appear in shoutbox (There is NO option added in the Forum Manager of each forum to enable Shouts like I with previous version)
The errors below appears only when in the CP viewing 'Editing Instance'
Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in [path]/dbtech/vbshout/actions/admin/instance.php on line 207

I can only assume it is a shoutbox error because it does not appear anywhere else and it references the dbtech directory.

Is there an archive of earlier versions of Shoutbox lite? I was using 5.1 I believe before this upgrade.

Your help is appreciated since it is done gratis for Lite versions.
I see you have Suhosin installed on your server and configured to be too restrictive for vBulletin and vBShout to work correctly.

If you encounter this issue, you can work around this by adding the following code to your .htaccess file:

php_flag suhosin.cookie.encrypt Off
php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 2048
php_value suhosin.get.max_vars 2048
php_value 2048

These are the values vBulletin Support Staff suggest.

Did you do the above yet?

Users cannot PM eachother by clicking on username in shoutbox - it now goes to their profile.

I have this working on my 4.1.4 test site

Is there an archive of earlier versions of Shoutbox lite? I was using 5.1 I believe before this upgrade.

Any Version below this one is incompatable with vB 4.1.4

Even though enabled in General Options New Posts and Thread notifications do not appear in shoutbox (There is NO option added in the Forum Manager of each forum to enable Shouts like I with previous version)

That has to be set in DBTech - vBShout/ Notifications.
Thanks Ozzy! I will make these changes to htaccess later today thank you very much for picking that up.

Currently when accessing the Notification page, nothing is displayed in the Notification 'window'. Would this be a symptom of Suhosin restriction?
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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