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Please attempt to edit their posts, click Go Advanced and see if the "Enable Thanks", "Enable Like" and/or "Enable Dislike" boxes are checked :)
Would it be possible for you to PM me with FTP info for your forums? I should be able to see why.
I believe it's been sorted, and I updated your files with a patch that should hopefully prevent this from happening again.

It's strange it had only happened to 9 out of all your thousands of posts, but oh well :p
I believe so, please download the zip again and re-upload all files.
Then run the following query
UPDATE post SET dbtech_thanks_enablethanks = '1', dbtech_thanks_enablelike = '1', dbtech_thanks_enabledislike = '1'
Remember to include your table prefix.
I believe so, please download the zip again and re-upload all files.
Then run the following query
UPDATE post SET dbtech_thanks_enablethanks = '1', dbtech_thanks_enablelike = '1', dbtech_thanks_enabledislike = '1'
Remember to include your table prefix.

i get this error:

Table '' doesn't exist

cloferba is my db user....and foro is my db name...
my vbulletin has vb_ as prefix..but what i need to add to the query?

UPDATE vb_post SET dbtech_thanks_enablethanks = '1', dbtech_thanks_enablelike = '1', dbtech_thanks_enabledislike = '1'
There's nothing further I can do without some more information regarding the method the user posted the thread.
It seems to be a limited issue, there hasn't been that many reports of it and it's never happened on DBTech, so I don't really know how to fix this without more information.
What kind of information do you need?
- Browser? OS? Quick/Reply or editor?
Anything more?

The next time the problem happens I will ask the user about the information.
the thread was written using the complete editor (not quick editor)....i dont know what more information do you need...maybe access to the db or admin panel?
i can provide that information, but ask exactly what do you need...
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