Question Getting rid of unwanted monsters

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Yesterday I unleashed Forumon on our community, and mostly getting these questions:

Let us kill off monsters please, I hit the limit and can't capture any more It's depressing. (I have useless ones that I don't want, lol)

Cuz I want to breed, but I'm maxed, so I need to kill something off.

Agreed, some way of getting rid of unwanted monsters is needed

And so on. What is the intended procedure for that? Or is it supposed to not be possible? Or coming in new version?

I've applied a hotfix that'll correctly enable you to catch 1 more monster than the limit, which will then take you to the Dismiss Monster screen to get rid of an excess one.

Re-download files and re-upload them (no need to re-import XML.)
I've applied a hotfix that'll correctly enable you to catch 1 more monster than the limit, which will then take you to the Dismiss Monster screen to get rid of an excess one.

Re-download files and re-upload them (no need to re-import XML.)

Works great, thanks!
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