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So I've been trying out the Forumon version on this site since the beginning, and looking at it right now I have a few comments. Keep in mind, this is meant to be constructive criticism, so if anything comes off as insulting it wasn't meant to.

  • Initial Monster Creation
This is part of the modification is pretty good, with one small exception: The torso needs some options beyond color. Minor variations on a core torso is fine, since I know it would be a hassle to make many new torsos and still keep it as the same monster. At the very least, some kind of color refresh button would be useful for the torso and other sections so you don't have to click on a limb or head icon before the preview updates.

  • The UI
The UI is kind of clunky. By this I meant it is not smooth and quick enough to get to what you want to do. Between battles you have to heal, and then click the world map, an area, and then hunt before you can get to a second battle.

The little pop over boxes in most areas aren't very good at staying up when you want them to, but they tend to stay up when you don't want them - especially in the battle section.

  • Battle
This is partly related to my UI complaint above, in that things don't happen fast enough. You basically get one big batch of points to start with, but there is no strategy to using them. You move over to the enemy, sit for a round or two, and then it runs to the left and sits there. Then you move to the left, and unleesh all your attacks. As this won't be enough to kill anything, you then get to click defend, end turn, defend, end turn, and something another defend, end turn before you get the chance to attack again. This repeats for several rounds and eventually you finally get to kill something... and then go through all the extra clicks mentioned in the UI section before you can fight another battle.

My suggestions for this: Restrict each round to one movement and one action (attack, defend, capture). Check the menu to have single clicks for an action, instead of the End Turn system used now. Up the power of all attacks in the game, so that there is a chance to actually finish a fight before running out of points, and also make points regenerate faster.

That's my main criticism so far. Two thoughts remain though. (1) The game just isn't fast enough or streamlined enough to make it really fun. I honestly can't see any large group of forum goers spending the time on it as it is now. (2) It feels very much like you want a pokemon-style battle system, but you haven't pulled it off well. I understand needing to be different to make sure you aren't ripping off someone else's work, legally and everything, but don't be afraid to imitate the parts that work best.

For that matter, don't be afraid to delay release to really polish the system, because that's what you'll need to really have a good hit. If you try to push it out too fast the initial response has the potential to tarnish the word-of-mouth publicity you need to make it sell well.

Hope it helps! I'll be checking once or twice a week to see how updates go.
So I've been trying out the Forumon version on this site since the beginning, and looking at it right now I have a few comments. Keep in mind, this is meant to be constructive criticism, so if anything comes off as insulting it wasn't meant to.

  • Initial Monster Creation
This is part of the modification is pretty good, with one small exception: The torso needs some options beyond color. Minor variations on a core torso is fine, since I know it would be a hassle to make many new torsos and still keep it as the same monster. At the very least, some kind of color refresh button would be useful for the torso and other sections so you don't have to click on a limb or head icon before the preview updates.

There is a refresh button in there at the bottom already so you can see the colour changes. Our art resources have been aimed at creating more variety overall, rather than small changes within each monster (and it is likely to stay that way for the near future)

  • The UI
The UI is kind of clunky. By this I meant it is not smooth and quick enough to get to what you want to do. Between battles you have to heal, and then click the world map, an area, and then hunt before you can get to a second battle.

The little pop over boxes in most areas aren't very good at staying up when you want them to, but they tend to stay up when you don't want them - especially in the battle section.

UI is still an area we are working on. Healing will not work the way it does in the final version, there will be shortcuts for certain common actions, and the map/travel system will be changed (possibly in v1.1)

  • Battle
This is partly related to my UI complaint above, in that things don't happen fast enough. You basically get one big batch of points to start with, but there is no strategy to using them. You move over to the enemy, sit for a round or two, and then it runs to the left and sits there. Then you move to the left, and unleesh all your attacks. As this won't be enough to kill anything, you then get to click defend, end turn, defend, end turn, and something another defend, end turn before you get the chance to attack again. This repeats for several rounds and eventually you finally get to kill something... and then go through all the extra clicks mentioned in the UI section before you can fight another battle.

My suggestions for this: Restrict each round to one movement and one action (attack, defend, capture). Check the menu to have single clicks for an action, instead of the End Turn system used now. Up the power of all attacks in the game, so that there is a chance to actually finish a fight before running out of points, and also make points regenerate faster.

At the moment this is simply sue to the low stamina/focus stats of the monsters. Also, each monster has different moves that work at different ranges. So while your monster might benefit from being as far away as possible, someone elses might need to get as close as possible. You might want to launch a high risk attack and get back into position for instance, or instead get into a reasonable range and use extra attacks, but be more open to a counter =). The feedback we have received from our testers on the current battle system has been overwhelmingly positive, so it is unlikely we will change it. (Beyond the addition of magic which is coming in 1.1 or 1.2)

That's my main criticism so far. Two thoughts remain though. (1) The game just isn't fast enough or streamlined enough to make it really fun. I honestly can't see any large group of forum goers spending the time on it as it is now. (2) It feels very much like you want a pokemon-style battle system, but you haven't pulled it off well. I understand needing to be different to make sure you aren't ripping off someone else's work, legally and everything, but don't be afraid to imitate the parts that work best.

The battle speed is totally customisable by the admin :), they can raise or lower the number of action points, raise or lower the amount of stamina etc etc. Pokemon has actually been the least of our influences. The Monster Hunter/Monster Farm series is much more similar to our battle system, but even then our system is more complex and detailed =)

For that matter, don't be afraid to delay release to really polish the system, because that's what you'll need to really have a good hit. If you try to push it out too fast the initial response has the potential to tarnish the word-of-mouth publicity you need to make it sell well.

=) We are already planning on doing just such a thing, which is why the product has been released as a Beta at the moment.
Cheers for the input, it's appreciated ^.^
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Glad you have this stuff in mind! I'll wait and see how the release product turns out though. I'm just glad the pokemon comment didn't come off as insulting :P I'm still not won over on the battle system yet though. I'll watch to see how it evolves over time.
Also about the healing part, I'd like to remember how that works in most RPGs: go to an Inn, Pokèmon Center or whatever you want (and that's already more time spent than just clicking on a "heal" button), wait for your character to heal and return to the place where you were before.

That's a lot of time waste, compared to our current way to heal : )
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