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Alisa Lindsay

Hello...hopefully my last question for awhile.

Went live and except for minor hiccups all is working well.

I am having an issue with the Unhandled Reports tab on ONE skin (my main one unfortunately). I have sent a ticket to the designer, but thought I'd drop a screen shot and question here in case you guys see something readily apparent that I can fix.

On all other skins, the Unhandled Reports Tab is is only on my ultra custom main skin that it flakes out and I'm sure it's a skin issue. Just taking a chance that you know your product well enough to look at it and say, "Tell the designer to fix X" *grins hopefully*

Screen Shot Attached

Thanks and Regards,



  • Screen Shot vBShout Tab.jpg
    Screen Shot vBShout Tab.jpg
    8.4 KB · Views: 7
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Could you re-upload the screenshot please? Incorrect configuration shrunk the image so much it's unreadable xD
I couldn't make it behave so trying to put it in the post...


I'll look into it, but as far as I'm aware my HTML checks out...

Does this also happen on other vBShout pages, like Detached Shoutbox / Archive?
Just checked and yes, I am getting the same issue in Detached and Archive. Notifications, Actives Users, and the Shout itself on the main page is fine. Now...I'm playing go between here and I have no clue what is what...

The designer of the skin suggests

Some plug-ins are not loading the additional.css template introduced in 4.0.1

Is this shoutbox designed for 4.0.3?

Is this possible? Is it possible I've missed an update and loaded something wrong (I didn't do the install this time)?


Upon closer inspection, the additional.css file is loaded.
Can you verify that for me on your forum? Go to, say, the detached shoutbox, right click (I heard Macs can do that now xD) and click View Source.
Then command + f (or whatever you guys use instead of Ctrl) and search for "additional.css" without the quotes.

If it's not there, then we might have a different problem altogether.
If it is there, it would be helpful if you asked your style guy again, because save for giving me the style itself (which you might be reluctant to do if you paid good money for it xD) then I'll be at a loss...
I'll give it a shot and actually, while I paid a tad for it and by the license agreement would ask that you destroy the files after, I'd be glad to let you look at it. It wasn't many $$$ at all considering.
Ok...detached the shout and did a view page source. Doing a find did not locate the word additional anywhere... or additional CSS or additional css. I was going to get the code to you but it's huge and I'd have to do several posts. Let me know if there's a better way.


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Best bet is to email it to him @ probably =)

He has a personal DBT address, but i don't remember if it's fillip or Fillip H., but i know payments will be forwarded to him and me so we';; definetely get it that way xD
Just to update you; I received the files but I haven't had time to investigate yet, I promise I will do it tomorrow (the 18th) though :)
I haven't forgotten about you ;)
I had no doubts that you would get to it as soon as you could! It's just cosmetic as far as I can tell and we can live with that until you've time to look into it.

Thanks for the update!

Warmest Regards,

I can't seem to replicate this issue...
reportlist.png (yeah I fixed the PNG attachment permissions here, finally :D)

Can you link me to the forum where this happens? Maybe I'll be able to find out what's going on by looking at it :)
additional.css is missing from the file.
Have you customised the GENERIC_SHELL template?

If so, please revert those changes.

If not, would it be possible for me to get an Admin account with Can Admin Styles permission? My username is Fillip H. on there. That'll see it fixed within 5 minutes hopefully :)
I've not customized anything... *laughs*... All this template stuff still terrifies me. And I'll upgrade you momentarily.

And done!
It would appear as if some mod is causing the headinclude_bottom template to not be properly applied to the vBShout pages.
To find out which, if any, I'd need to disable every mod and re-enable them one at a time, which is more trouble than it's worth :p

So what I did was copy/paste the content of the headinclude_bottom template into the GENERIC_SHELL template, directly beneath this code: {vb:raw headinclude_bottom}.

And all is right with the world :)

That's an epic skin btw, it looks really good :D It reminds me of the most pirated skin in history, tren_z by eXtremePixels. If you visited more than 2 forums back 1-2 years ago, you will have seen that skin xD

Oh, and I was also a fan of Babylon 5 back what, 10 years ago when it ran on TV ;) I oughta download the show and watch it again xD
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