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Someone on my forum just got a lot of credits. And I look at the Transactions and it's giving him credits on the edits instead of taking away... this is not good! Wtf???


He was editing the same thread all day, maybe it messed up after a certain amount of edits?

The one on top is me editing it. Notice how for me it Spent like it should. edit: I had him edit other threads to see what happens and it Spent properly.

How do I know this doesn't happen to other people and they are making a lot of credits for no reason. Because it gives you an extra Thread times two whenever editing it...

Also, he said he got like 800... but those edits wouldn't add up to that much... so idk...
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Can you paste here the settings of your event? Looks like you are using a weird multiplier - one that still evaluates to a positive :p
Ok, but I don't see how it would be the event because it only applies to this one person editing this one thread. Unless I messed up with the word limit or something idk...

Here's a screenshot of the Thread event settings:
Well, your screenshot looks good, but I will need admin login and ftp PMd to me to profile what is happening with the one user.
I think this might be fixed if you download the pro version files and upload them to your site (dont need to run upgrade) - let me know if it worked please!
When was the last time you downloaded the pro files? If not within the last two weeks, please download the pro files and upload them to your site (no need to run the upgrade) and see if that fixes your issue going forward.
When was the last time you downloaded the pro files? If not within the last two weeks, please download the pro files and upload them to your site (no need to run the upgrade) and see if that fixes your issue going forward.

OK, I downloaded the files and asked the member to edit the thread again. It still does it.
Thread/Post Negation calculation error

The system sometimes calculate correctly but sometimes give credit twice after editing a thread or a post.

Here is my setting for thread event

Thread Amount: 0
Thread Negation Amount: 0
Character Amount: 0.2
Character Negation Amount: 0.2
Minimum Characters: 30
Maximum Characters: 200
Below Minimum Handling: Exclude Character amounts

Below are two examples when editing an existing thread

Situation 1: When reducing 150 words to 140 words, the transaction is correct.

Thread Spent 30 credits
Thread Earned 28 credits

Situation 2: When increasing 250 words to 300 words, the transaction shows two earned credits. Since my maximum characters are 200, this event should not earn any credit. But the users earned 80 credits by editing the thread.

Thread Earned 40 credits
Thread Earned 40 credits

I also test the other setting with Character Negation Amount: -0.2

Under this setting, situation 2 shows correct transactions but not in the situation 1. The situation 1 shows
Thread Earned 30 credits
Thread Earned 28 credits

Post event has same problem. Please check it. Thanks
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When did you install vbcredits II deluxe pro? There were some patches applied a few weeks ago that addressed this issue.
Look up at the navbar their is a tab called Customer Area, you will find it in there. :D
Look up at the navbar their is a tab called Customer Area, you will find it in there. :D

I only see the download for Vbcredit II and the script version is 2.0.0.
This is the same version I am using now (download two or three month ago).
I did not see any patch.
Should I download the script again and re-install the script?

Thanks for the help
I believe it was only a hotfix, so the version number did not change. Yes download the file, and re upload the files and import the xml. :cool:
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