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Hi DBTech, I installed the plugin as a trial, but found when a tagged post had been soft-deleted, the user could still see the mention/tag in their "notifications" tab, and also on their profile. When the thread was moved to a hidden forum, the mention/tag disappeared from their view (from their profile, and from their notifications drop-down). Is there a way to make if the post is soft-deleted, it too hides the mention/tag?

(System is vBulletin 4.1.x)
Note: Have disabled plugin due to this issue.
It works fine for me with this change in place. Please try deleting all downloaded .zip files and re-download, re-extract then re-upload the files.

The important file in this case is /dbtech/usertag/includes/class_profileblock.php - it should have AND post.visible = 1 in it.
Tried still same problem.

		// Count number of users
		$count = $this->registry->db->query_first_slave("
			SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
			FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_usertag_mention AS mention
			LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post USING(postid)
			LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread USING(threadid)			
			WHERE (mention.userid = " . intval($this->profile->userinfo['userid']) . "
				OR mention.mentionedid = " . intval($this->profile->userinfo['userid']) . ")
				AND thread.forumid IN(" . implode(',', USERTAG::forumIds()) . ")
				AND mention.type = 'post'
				AND post.visible = 1

		// Fetch users
		$results_q = $this->registry->db->query_read_slave("
				post.pagetext AS message,
				post.title AS posttitle,
				thread.title AS threadtitle,
				quoted.userid AS quoteduserid,
				quoted.username AS quotedusername,
				quoted.usergroupid AS quotedusergroupid,
				quoted.infractiongroupid AS quotedinfractiongroupid,
				quoted.displaygroupid AS quoteddisplaygroupid			
			FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_usertag_quote AS quote
			LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON (post.postid = quote.postid)
			LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
			LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = quote.userid)
			LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS quoted ON (quoted.userid = quote.quotedid)
			WHERE (quote.userid = " . intval($this->profile->userinfo['userid']) . "
				OR quote.quotedid = " . intval($this->profile->userinfo['userid']) . ")
				AND thread.forumid IN(" . implode(',', USERTAG::forumIds()) . ")
				AND quote.type = 'post'
				AND post.visible = 1
			ORDER BY $sqlsort $sortorder
			LIMIT $startat, " . $perpage

But displaying a soft deleted post. I had a look in the database and "post" table with "Visible" is always 1. The "thread" table "Visible" is 2 when soft deleted, 1 when active. Perhaps this helps?
Last edited:
Aha, so the issue in this case is that if the entire thread is soft deleted, it doesn't auto flag posts within as soft deleted.
Correct yeah if soft deleted the mention still shows. I think it has something to do with the fact ID 2 is used for soft deletions. Not sure tho :P
Awesome work Fillip H.! Happy customer! Now seeing its all working, time for me to buy the pro version (is this patched in pro or am I best of waiting?) :)
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