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Hi there,

Everytime I use Firefox to upload I get this bug when hitting Upload:


Also, when the upload is finished, I keep getting this error (occurs with all browsers and even when all fields are filled):


Strange because it was working perfectly yesterday :(
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I use Firefox on this site and as long as you do not forget to full out the category / title / description fields (like the screenshot shows) this popup does not appear.

The "leave page" popup shows up when CKEditor believes you're abandoning unsaved changes.
I just remembered that I upgraded to 4.1.4 this morning and this mod only supports 4.1.1. I was about to purchase this as well :(
Could anything have happened during the forum upgrade to cause this?

I did re-download the .zip, re-upload to the site and re-install the .xml file an hour ago but it's still spitting out this error.
Not that I know of, unless David has not had a chance to upgrade the lite version to work in 4.1.4 but I am not sure, all other issues like this reported have seem to have been resoolved
Purchased and installed - didn't fix the problem :(

Could CKEditor be the problem? After the 'You forgot to fill in the required fields' error, I go back and the editor is empty, even though I filled it in.
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I believe there is something else going on, stay tuned to the thread you replied to in the pro support area, as now their is 3 sites in that thread with the same issue.
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Sorry for the delay, I have been having problems with my connection over the past few days. Could you send me login info and I'll see about getting this sorted for you tonight! :)
Has this problem been fixed? i'm running a site with a large database with files at the moment with DownloadsII but I want to go over to Dragonyte Downloads. But the light version is still giving me this error about fields not complete, and I just saw that the pro version doesn't fix it. So is there a solution?
Has this problem been fixed? i'm running a site with a large database with files at the moment with DownloadsII but I want to go over to Dragonyte Downloads. But the light version is still giving me this error about fields not complete, and I just saw that the pro version doesn't fix it. So is there a solution?

When was the last time you downloaded the product files? I believe this was resolved.

I would download the files, and re upload them, and import the xml and see if it works.
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