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Last night I installed vB 4.1.5
Two problems so far with Thanks mod:

Infinite loop is creating when you press second or any else page number in your profile to see who give you thanks/like...
Only first page is load OK, every else is imposible (browser write:

The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

URL for this is:

Second problem is conflict with Marco Advanced Qick reply/edit mod

When installed that mod, there is no option in advanced reply to mark require Thanks/like to see hidden content...
I'm unable to confirm the infinite loop issue on any test forum I have access to, I don't think it's caused by this mod.

We're unfortunately unable to guarantee compatibility with 3rd party modifications.
I'm unable to confirm the infinite loop issue on any test forum I have access to, I don't think it's caused by this mod.

Do you want Admin Test account on my forum to test this?

We're unfortunately unable to guarantee compatibility with 3rd party modifications.

Yep, I know, and that is same old story from all MODs creator :(
Infinite loop too, because Marco tell that his MOD did not give anything then default vbulletin editor options.

Click here to see, but I doubt that you do not read that earlier :rolleyes:
You could disable all other mods, and see if the issue goes away. If it does, re enable the mods 1 by one, and see which one is causing the conflict. ;)
Found solution, strange but still solution.

If link for every other page then first page, have sufix perpage=20, then infinite loop happend. But if link is without that, it is working OK, and still is 20 notifications per page


Please, where in template or pfp script to change that?
dbtech/thanks/includes/class_profileblock.php, search for &perpage=$perpage and remove that.
This is temporary solution...
Will try to find is there any MOD that conflicted with this MOD.

And, what about Marco MOD vs Dragonbyte MOD :rolleyes:
We do not use any non-standard methods of injecting the HTML form, so it's sadly not something we're able to fix.
Thanks for help, but that is not solution for me, couse I do not use Mod Rewrite Friendly URLs, I allways use Standard URLs. ;)
As I wrote here, Cosmic asked me to report bugs into this subforum, and Fillip H. tell that is better that every bug have own thread, so here it is... I just bump this thread because problem is stil alive and I hope that it will be fixed in new 2.0 version...

Still exist problem Infinite loop on Profile Thanks Tab. I have temporary fix, but that is not professional behaviour on your side because you did not even comment my suggestion to give you temporaray Admin Test account.
P.S. Problem with Marcos Mod is fixed by newer version of his Mod.
You did not answer a question from a support agent whether the issue still occurred when you had all other modifications disabled. Please also try temporarily renaming any .htaccess files to something else (like test.htaccess) to disable its functionality.

We have had no reports from other users experiencing the same problem. Since you discovered a solution that worked for you, but breaks internal functionality, we suggest you continue to apply that edit. We're unfortunately unable to commit a patch to the live product that breaks a feature we advertise :(
I have had this issue too. I am using VBSEO, don't know if that could be part of the problem. I used the solution in post #6 above. Posting here to remind myself to edit the code in future versions. Thanks.
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