Bug Found A New Bug in The Mention System

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Hey guys, got a weird bug and if wondering if it can be addressed. Since the hash used to mention a member is username, we found a bug while using CODE bbcode on the forum. We tried pasting this in CODE for a table:

Master Grind # 129
Lift: 0.381 +0.060
@ .010" 255° -5°
@ .020" 238° +24°
@ .040" 225° +28°
@ .050" 220° +29°
@ .100" 200° +31°
@ .150" 180° +33°
@ .200" 159° +37°
@ .300" 105° +54°
@ .400"
@ .500"
@ .550"
Ramp: 38 -7

And it instantly pegged that DB and made it hang. I remember a few versions back we were able to pick a different hash. Can this be added back? Thanks
That's never been a feature of this mod, IIRC. Are you sure about that? The mod was always called "@ User Tagging" (before I dropped the @ for consistency with the .zip file name).

Could you be thinking of the option to not display the @ before mentions in a post? That's still alive and well.
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