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How to tag any member?

We only can tag some administrator :o
There is no group that is excluded so I was wondering how to fix it? I don't think that it is a bug only setting?
Fillip H. test

I must click on the mention image always to tag user
Is it possible to just type username instead of always have to click this img?
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Yeah you can do that, or you can enable the ; closing delimiter to avoid issues with email addresses etc :)
How to tag any member?

but when I write user it does not work for all user only a fews
How can I make it work for all members

I mean can I make it work for all member without the ;
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They may have enabled the restrictions in their UserCP, or their usernames may include special characters which makes it impossible to mention them via quick reply.
I can tag "Dxt-Devil_Qc"
but "Dxt-RoverSpike" does not work
same for "SpitFire" and 99% of our members

I even tested with another account(Only letters) and I checked and there was no restriction
Then I try to tag him directly user and it did not work

does user can be interpreted as an email? if yes how can I disable that? I don't really need email BB code
To do that you would need to enable the ; setting, that prevents emails from being tagged :)
but if its just user
it is not really an email
but does VB see it as an email instead of a tag?

Well I already enabled ; and it work fine but I would have like to be able to use it without ; but it was not working
But if we can't "fix" it
Its alright too ";" is not long to add :D
If this mod has converted the @mention into a link to that user's profile, vB will no longer register it as an email address. That's why we suggest people turning on the ; delimiter if they encounter this problem :)
Okay thank you I will let this feature turned on :D
Also when I get tagged
I get a note under my PM notification
and the link is
HTML: username /?tab=mentions

is it possible to make it
HTML: userid /?tab=mentions
Because I get an error on the 1st page but work then I put the id manually

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That's a problem with your vBSEO configuration, which I'm unfortunately not able to assist with at this time :(

I use their link function to create the link to the tab, the outcome is not something I can control.

first of all, sorry that I kind of re-open this thread...

I was wondering, if there is only 1 way to have this mentioning working? Fillip H.
The only thing that is working for me is by
[mention=userid]username (or whatever you want)[/mention]
I've tried:
Fillip H.
Fillip H.;

Am I forgetting something???
(I've got everything selected in "Forum Manager" of the "DBTech - User Tagging")
(In the settings: where you can choose between yes & no , is "Manual Postbit Deployment" the only-one that is set to No)

I think I found what my problem was/is...
The reason why I always was thinking that the
didn't worked, is because I was always looking in a "Preview"... And in there it isn't converted yet... And that's why I was thinking it didn't worked....
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Fillip H. will answer you when he has a free moment. Please note, this thread was closed as far as the support system is concerned, so in the future please start a new thread, so all relevant info is up to date.
Fillip H. will answer you when he has a free moment. Please note, this thread was closed as far as the support system is concerned, so in the future please start a new thread, so all relevant info is up to date.

I already edited my previous post with:

I think I found what my problem was/is...
The reason why I always was thinking that the
didn't worked, is because I was always looking in a "Preview"... And in there it isn't converted yet... And that's why I was thinking it didn't worked....

I was thinking that it would have been visible in the Preview too, and that is not the case...
You have to post/publish the post to have (see) @ username working...
Yes sir I know that, but the way the support system works on here, once a thread is marked closed, it is difficult for the support agents to receive the notice, also it is better for you as a customer to have your relevant info in the issue area, for quicker support, just like vBulletin all issues should have their own thread.
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