Which optimization suggestions from digitalpoint are already included into vBO Pro?

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With permission from digitalpoint themselves, I implemented the forumdisplay/showgroups enhancements. Other methods may be included in the future, you should find that in the Cache Settings certain ones have credit the digitalpoint for the idea - all I've done is turn them into editless modifications and utilise vB Optimise for the backend caching.
I have implemented a few suggestions including forumdisplay and showgroups.

Does it conflict with vBO?
Does it bring performance to deactivate the options in vBO or will it have benefits to keep them turned on?
It shouldn't conflict, but personally I'd revert the manual edits and let vBO handle them :) No performance difference, just less file edits to worry about during upgrades.
Yeah will do that when upgrading to 4.0.4


One more thing.
Can you give me an advice how to find and Drop FULLTEXT Indexes?
I am not that SQL savvy ;)
@StarBuG: Your best bet would probably be using something like phpMyAdmin, but if you're not savvy I'd recommend against it personally.
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