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New member
Hi guys,

does somebody knows how to give credits ONLY in given topics like:

there is a topic called Off-Topic, and if someone posts there he/she shouldnt get money / my currency.

thanks a lot !

best regards,

i mean for topic like this "vBCredits II Deluxe Lite Support"... i configured it (i selected only topics which i want, but for instance "Off-Topic" I deselected) .. but i still get money .. ? is there any bugfix?
This is not a bug because as I said, there is no feature to indicate by thread, but you can do it per forum.
Oh! Yes, per-forum is supposed to work (and rigorously tested).

Can you post a screenshot of your Thread and Post event settings?
I've changed the status to a potential bug and will tag Darkwaltz4 to make sure he see's this - sometimes things marked as answered questions get overlooked (which seems to have happened here, sorry)

You might want to supply a screenshot of your referral event settings as well for Darkwaltz4 to see.

Do you have any new thread events which are still active for your off topic forum?

Are your referrals set to trigger when users enter into a usergroup earned via promotion? If so, a workaround for those is currently being prepared.
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