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New member
with vbshout on i get the follow results on my server, without it i get an average of about 0.3

32410      hellbomb      0       16.0       0.3      /usr/bin/php /home/hellbomb/public_html/forum/ajax.php 
 32409      hellbomb      0       15.0       0.3      /usr/bin/php /home/hellbomb/public_html/forum/ajax.php 
 32416      hellbomb      0       14.0       0.3      /usr/bin/php /home/hellbomb/public_html/forum/ajax.php 
 32413      hellbomb      0       14.0       0.3      /usr/bin/php /home/hellbomb/public_html/forum/ajax.php
Is your hosting shared, VPS or Dedicated?

How many users do you have on at one time?

Have you tried changing the settings to those recommended in other threads? (Shoutbox turned off for guests, auto idle on etc)
dedicated hosting, about 8 members who can see the shoutbox, and 30 guests who cannot see the shoutbox. Without the shoutbox on my forum runs at about 0.3 with it on about 40.0 this is a very nice shoutbox, even considering upgrading but this shoutbox cripples a dedicated server all on its own with almost no users! its ridicules, is their some setting that needs to be set in order for this to work right?

auto idle is on after about 5 minutes
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We're on a fairly common VPS ourselves, nothing out of the ordinary - any activity on the shoutbox (small or large) doesn't create load for us. To go through some settings which can reduce load (which we use here):

1) Shoutbox Optimisation - Make sure it's enabled (select File System). Then make sure the folder /dbtech/vbshout/aop has chmod perms set to 0777.
2) Make sure your shoutbox refresh speed isn't too crazy, we have it set to 5 seconds here. Anything lower and it'll be constantly hammering requests (however the optimisation in step one means it only requests a text file, which won't impact much at all).
3) Make sure "Shouts To Display" isn't very high either, the default is 20 and the more you show the more intensive an update on the shoutbox is.

Try those settings to see if there's any difference made :)
1) Shoutbox Optimisation - Make sure it's enabled (select File System). Then make sure the folder /dbtech/vbshout/aop has chmod perms set to 0777.
Already had this

2) Make sure your shoutbox refresh speed isn't too crazy, we have it set to 5 seconds here. Anything lower and it'll be constantly hammering requests (however the optimisation in step one means it only requests a text file, which won't impact much at all).
have it at 2, but still seems that requesting over 40 on my box is crazy

3) Make sure "Shouts To Display" isn't very high either, the default is 20 and the more you show the more intensive an update on the shoutbox is.
still at the default 20 shouts
Are you running vBSEO? Due to the way that mod is coded, it causes issues with the AJAX part of vBShout.
i do, but during my tests i disabled it as vbseo was masking what process was creating this ridicules resource spike. It's still off, I have had vbseo and the shoutbox off, going on about 24 hours and 0 lag spikes since i disabled the shoutbox. at the 24 hour mark im re enabeling vbseo and waiting 24 hours, this will give me 100% assurance that it is the shoutbox and nothing else.
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You should try vBShout *without* vBSEO to see if this may be your issue (both running at same time)

If not then there is an extremely serious problem with your server or set up, as there is no way a shoutbox with single digit users could possible cause a 120x increase in load - it's physically not possible for that to occur if everything is functioning correctly.

Also, are you using the latest version of vBShout? it has several optimisation fixes which older versions do not have.

A final point: To our amusement we have found that some people reporting high load had installed pirated versions of our software which contained various hidden hacks put in by the pirates causing them issues (as well as a security hole), you might want to ensure whoever installed vbshout on your server did not install one of these versions, and make sure you grab them only from DBTech or =)
You should try vBShout *without* vBSEO to see if this may be your issue (both running at same time)
I have had vbseo turned off for the last 48 hours, so I went about 24 hours without vbseo enabled and the shoutbox still generated the high server load.

If not then there is an extremely serious problem with your server or set up, as there is no way a shoutbox with single digit users could possible cause a 120x increase in load - it's physically not possible for that to occur if everything is functioning correctly.
I have actually had people from both and check over my server configuration and they have recommended i tweak a few things but still the high server load persists.

Also, are you using the latest version of vBShout? it has several optimisation fixes which older versions do not have.
Yep, that was the 3rd thing i tried.

A final point: To our amusement we have found that some people reporting high load had installed pirated versions of our software which contained various hidden hacks put in by the pirates causing them issues (as well as a security hole), you might want to ensure whoever installed vbshout on your server did not install one of these versions, and make sure you grab them only from DBTech or =)
I do all my own work, and have been trying out your public version before i made the leap to buy a professional version. you can look on and see i am also a legitimate buyer of vBulletin, I have the same username on you can message me on their also.
Have you tried running with only vBShout enabled? It's possible there's some other form of conflict.

We have a fair amount of large board clients and none of them have reported such a huge load, especially after the 5.3 update.
Have you tried running with only vBShout enabled? It's possible there's some other form of conflict.

We have a fair amount of large board clients and none of them have reported such a huge load, especially after the 5.3 update.

Well I will try that tonight, so I will disturb my users as little as possible
same issues

Well I will try that tonight, so I will disturb my users as little as possible
Hey, still doing the same thing, i even downloaded the files and installed a fresh copy and now it's happening a little less, weird? but it still says php defuct on the server load reports
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