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New member
i'm running the latest copy of vbshout
I have it set to be optimized showing only 10 shouts and refreshing 5 seconds with the shoutbox on its own page. yet with just 6 users in the shoutbox it uses almost 600 mb of ram is this normal? if i can't reduce the server load I'll need to find another option. any suggestions on lowing the server load would be appreciated
What you want to do is turn on auto idle and see how that affects load.

You confiure auto idle in the instances>Permissions section.

If the load is still too high turn off guest viewing of shoutbox

With auto idle off all of your users AND your guests are all using resources. By turning on auto idle only people actually using the shoutbox will be utilising resources, and by disabling it for guests it stops guests using your resources as well.

If you do these two things you should also be able to raise your idle timeout so that people can use the shoutbox more fluidly since only the people participating will be using up resources.
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