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When trying to post a drafted post it is loading with raw HTML. Looking at the saved post in my usercp settings it is fine.
Very strange indeed. Have you posted the same bug at Trying to work out if its the same bug with two different users or the same user.

I'll take a look at this and see what I can find. Can you tell me what other mods you have running and whether you have any custom styles? :)

Thanks for reporting the bug. :)
No it is not me. I post bugs here exclusively for any DBT mod.

The site is very heavily moded so it would be a very long list. :) I have a DBT account permanently set up that can be switched over to admin if you would like to take a look for yourself.

Note: It was working just fine before the last update.
Have you updated the vBulletin version you are using at all? If you could send me access to the admin side of things I'd appreciate it. :)
Just looking into it again tonight. I can see the bug is there... not sure the reason... digging further into the problem. :)
Hotfixed this... so you can simply reupload the files to the server... no need to import the XML again. :)

Let me know if there are any issues. :)
Were you checking old Drafts? If so this isn't a retroactive fix... it will prevent the problem on future saved drafts.
I've reuploaded the files, cos everything I've tested using the WYSIWYG and the standard editor modes save the code correctly as BBCode now.

Can you try redownloading 1.0.4 and run the upload of the files only to your server? Does your server cache files in any way?

The file /dbtech/draftposts/newthread_post_start.php is the file that holds the key change. It should contain the following lines:

			require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_wysiwygparser.php');
			$html_parser = new vB_WysiwygHtmlParser($vbulletin);
			$insert['message'] = $html_parser->parse_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($vbulletin->GPC['message'], $foruminfo['allowhtml']);
			$insert['message'] =& $vbulletin->GPC['message'];

If it doesn't, let me know and I'll check into it further. If the server doesn't cache and you still have the same problem, I assume I can test it with the account you set me up still?

Thanks for helping. :)
To my knowledge the server does not cache files. I have re-uploaded the files and verified your code but it is still showing raw html.

You account still has admin access. Please feel free to investigate. :)
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