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I am under the impression vbShop 2.0 could do it, is this correct?

If so, how do I get the item to prompt customer for a shipping address?

Also, how do I add a new currency?

I am under the impression vbShop 2.0 could do it, is this correct?
Only coupled with vBCredits. vBC will handle the actual real money transaction, and the currency you purchase can be used in vBShop.

If so, how do I get the item to prompt customer for a shipping address?
Use the new "Custom Item" item type and use the Item Type Specific Fields section to require form elements like Name, Address, etc.

Also keep in mind to instruct your members to click "Configure" to fill out this info after they have purchased the item.

Also, how do I add a new currency?
The Currency Manager will offer the option you seek :)
I got vbCredit II Pro

err ... where's the Currency Manager at ? :)

A picture is worth a thousand words
Thanks Ozzy, I know the problem now: Unless I log in under Admin (ID #1), I can not see it :)

Question to John and Fillip H.: WHY?

I also noticed on your board (Ozzy), all vbTech products stay together, on mine it's scattered. What's the magic word?
Not sure why they are scattered for you, maybe you have some other mod breaking them up.
Yes, I do have quite a few other mods

My vbCredits is between Moderation and User tab while my vbSHop is between my Settings and vb Blog tab
I did.

I don't have any problem with other mods using ID # 2 and # (all are super admin)

Hmm I just set a test user as admin in acp, and checked yes to all permissions and i can see the manage currencies option
Can you try granting your account Can Administer vBShop in the Administrator Permissions interface?
stev Darkwaltz told me how to move that around:

In (forum)/includes/xml/cpnav_credits.xml, change the displayorder number in this line to something less until its where you want it

<navgroup text="vBCredits II Deluxe" permissions="credits" hr="true" displayorder="105">
I set mine to 15 and it shows nicely

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