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Uninstall works fine for me :)

It may be because you have a large post or user table, in which case you'll need to manually drop those columns from the tables yourself then try uninstall again.
You can open up /dbtech/thanks/install/uninstall.php and look at the columns there from the User and Post tables, then delete those code blocks from the file and try uninstall again :)
Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /home/asdasdsad/public_html/dbtech/thanks/install/uninstall.php on line 3
If you're still running v1.0.1 then that's the problem, the uninstall.php is in a format that's made for a newer version. Please ensure you're running the latest version before attempting an uninstall :)
As I wrote here, Cosmic asked me to report bugs into this subforum, and Fillip H. tell that is better that every bug have own thread, so here it is...
This is not bug, but I want to have solution if I ever must uninstall this MOD, how to drop tablesin phpMyAdmin. Please give us querries if we need manually drop tables and rows.

In case that someone want to uninstall this mod, please be specific and give us exact querries for dropinf manually tables in phpMyAdmin. Post like this is very unfriendly for payed costumers.
Leaving the tables in place poses no problems :)

The uninstaller is written using vBulletin's own install / uninstall tool, so it's sadly not possible for me to create uninstall queries for you :(

This topic is about a different issue, which I'm assuming has been solved, so I'll close this thread :)
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