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I've added a workaround for the issue in the attached picture in post 16, if you re-download v2.0.2 and re-import the XML file it should work with the Latest IE Mode setting turned on.

Works not no scores are saved in IE10. (before was only first score saved). Did what you said ... re-imported product file and force latest IE mode = Yes.


It worked for you previously - I'm unable to confirm this issue with either Latest IE mode on or off so I'm going entirely based on what you said previously.
Tested again ...saved only first score ... same like was before ...

IE = standard mode (f12), cleared browser cache ... board cache ...same like was before ... in FF is ok.


Ok ... play one game (new game - nobody never played before) - made some score (100) and click submit score = score shows under game with my nick. That is ok and fine. Started play again same game ...made score 120 - click on submit score - score shows not under game and no nick also - shows nothing. I can play many times but no score (mean higher score), because in settings I set only to save better scores - not all scores.

Same procedure in FF works fine ..shows immediately new (higher - better) score.

That is all ...


Can you try re-downloading the product and re-importing the XML, I've made a new attempt at fixing this :)
Tested on many games - works perfect problems now with saving highscores with IE10.

Thanks for help!


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