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1) I randomly get a ERROR: Invalid response from the server. It mostly appears if I am doing something bandwidth intensive in another window (downloading for example). However, my users complain of this often. I am using vBOptimize and not the integrated optimizer in vBShout.

2) I was using the lite version of vBShout before I decided to support you guys and go pro (plus we had a good round of Donations). I notice that every single shout that had ever been made is in the shout log. How can I clear that?

Great work, great products guys. I will always try and support you by upgrading to PRO as funds allow.
There's no integrated optimiser in the vBShout that's possible to turn off, what are you referring to?

Using the (Pro) Auto-Delete Shouts setting in the Instance Manager will do what you want :)
This is the integrated Optimization I was referring. I find I cannot have both that and vBOptimze on or else the shout box sticks on loading:

AdminCP - vBShout - Edit Instance - Shoutbox Optimisation Turning this on will drastically reduce the resources consumed by the Shoutbox.

Thanks for answering my second question. I set it at 72 hours. I am assuming after 72 hours of operation a CRON will kick in and delete all the older ones.

One new issue. In the AdminCP - vBShuout - When I click the notifications drop down I get "Invalid Action"
Any ideas?
Strange, I'm pretty sure the option is defunct and I just forgot to remove it.

Could you please ensure you've uploaded all files to their correct directories?
Just downloaded PL2 and made ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that all files were overwritten and are in their correct directories, my issues still persist.

1) Previous shouts did NOT delete even with auto delete set at 1 hour. It simply won't delete things from previous versions.
2) Notices option still in AdminCP

And a new one
3) Detach will not work. On FireFox it brings up a blank screen and in chrome I get the following error:
Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this web page later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Is there anyway to do a COMPLETE uninstall and reinstall the product?
Unfortunately your site is not loading for me at the moment so I'm currently unable to assist further with this issue :(
My site has been having some serious issues ever since I upgraded my PLESK panel form 9.8 to 10.2.0. I keep running out of memory and it appears to be a memory leak as the memory usage just keeps creeping up and up even if no one/few people are on.

I have disabled ALL my plug-ins in and effort to find the issue by turning them back on one by one. And here's where it get's interesting for you guys.
With only the vBShout running I don't have the detach issue. It works on all browsers. There must be a conflict with some other mod. Once I discover which mod it is, I will report it to you.
I apparently had some sort of conflict combined with a memory leak in one of my mods. After disabling everything besides chat, the error messages and the detach issue resolved themselves. Only the notifications box in the AdminCP remains. However, the process of turning my mods on one by one and waiting to see if my memory use changes drastically is taking a long time. I have discovered that if I enable the IBPro Arcade 2.7.0+ the detach option of vBShout returns.
So, I feel like a complete idiot. My problems are fixed, please close the thread.

Oh? What was that? What was wrong?


Seems the developers of this fine mod took time and effort to put a note in the upgrade instructions that it may be necessary to delete some of the older files manually in case of generalo wonkiness in the AdminCP. Yeah... just got around to reading that :p Just so you guys know, that fixed ALL my issues, the detach, the notifications, everything.

If all else fails RTFM :)
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