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Hey Ozzy I was tracking down an issue introduced in 1.2.1 for us and I have found the fix already but it actually appears to be on your end. When you removed the donate button for vbdonate.php?do=donate as per this persons request It caused an unterminated link to surround the donation box where you enter your amount and click on the submission button.

The terminator for that link was in the new code that determines what page the meter is on. But the link itself is outside of the code. So even on the vbdonate.php?do=donate the link is still there in code and until it hits the first termination (/a) all of that became a clickable link to the donation page. Move the link code inside the check for the page fixes the issue. But assuming this is still in the code then I wanted to let you know.

Before: - Forum/goalmeter1.jpg

After: - Forum/goalmeter2.jpg

What originally was showing, an unterminated link causing the whole area to be wrapped in an a tag: - Forum/originalproblem.jpg

We of course are running pro and the primary on this is vetsfast. As I said before, I just keep the thing running. We wanted to let you know though.
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Ahh ok I will look into it tonight, no wonder why I was not able to reproduce this on my local of here, so I will get it fixed up and put out a release Friday. Thanks for tracking this down, saves me a bunch of time. :D If you could re enable the admin permissions for the user test , I can try to fix it on your site as that is the only place it is happening, without having a way to reproduce it I will never know if my fix is working or not.
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It is actually happening here so I can confirm its not just on TBG!

On look at the section that says DragonByte Proudly Hosted By. The blockhead or whatever is a link back to the same page. As a result of the unterminated link. Its just much less noticeable here.


Much less obvious than it was in our case. I think you will find my change to your code effective here. Since I have found a confirmed case outside of TBG i dont think you will need the test account to test.

Permissions were originally reenabled today because we were about to have to have someone fix vbslider for us. I found the issue which was cause when both the slider and donate are on vba cmps.

There was a double declaration of:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The slider has a feature to turn that off in case your already declaring it somewhere else. But as a matter of order, the donate module is declared later so the slider still wouldn't work. Leaving it enabled on slider and manually removing the line from vbdonate allowed both to work in harmony. Its not your fault but I will submit a feature request later to add the same feature slider has in regards to that line.
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In case you saw my reply already I updated the second picture and the text with slightly more accurate info. Anyways the issue is present here on dragonbyte-tech and after you check the fix as per the original post I think you will see whats up.
Ok I see the issue with the link now, I'll have it fixed in the next version for ya.
OK this has been fixed, I told vetsfast to download the product, and upload the product xml, then revert the template dbtech_vbdonate_goal_meter
Also in the latest version, 1.2.2 there is now a option to disable jquery on the module, and a option to set the version of jquery you want to use if enabled.
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