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Uggh. Filling out nine fields with the same information every time I start a thread here is starting to get to me...

Anyway - if you attempt to watch a live tournament match and one of the users has yet to choose his cards, you get a broken image (little red X).

I would imagine some default image or message would be more appropriate.screen3.jpg
Uggh. Filling out nine fields with the same information every time I start a thread here is starting to get to me...
Use a browser with autocomplete like Firefox :p

Anyway - if you attempt to watch a live tournament match and one of the users has yet to choose his cards, you get a broken image (little red X).

I would imagine some default image or message would be more appropriate.View attachment 857
Could you right click it and choose copy image URL and paste said URL here?
I see.

It's not really a bug so I'm gonna change this to a feature suggestion which we'll take into consideration for future versions :)
I see.

It's not really a bug so I'm gonna change this to a feature suggestion which we'll take into consideration for future versions :)

A red X broken image symbol isn't a bug? Really? It's the intended appearance?

Well, that aside - could you guys let me know how I can edit it out just so I can keep my end of things looking good?
Only IE adds the red X. There's plenty of things IE does that it's just not feasible for us (or vBulletin) to support.
Is not having rounded corners in IE a bug? No, IE just doesn't support rounded corners.
Is not having coloured scrollbars in every other browser a bug? No, they just don't support coloured scrollbars.
IE does things other browsers do not, and as such display issues crop up from time to time - not all are some we're able to provide a quick fix for (or one at all, in some cases) :(

We're unfortunately unable to assist with customisations to our products :(
Your best bet would be to look in the main TT board template and see if you can wrap some form of if condition around the card display.
You can't reply "we don't support the world's most common browser" to every issue.

If that's really the case, please put it in your product blurb. Something like "Warning: this product will not work properly for 65% of your users".

Working with IE is not "customization", and any implication that it is is disingenuous at best. It's the very basic minimum behaviour expected of a web application. And a red X is not something to be brushed off.

Seriously, man. I've spent a crapload on your products recently (and discovered I've been sold pirated art... so I'm not exactly on a crest on the appreciation wave right now) Telling me that 65% of the world seeing a red X is the works's fault for not using your preferred browser feels like a brush off to me.
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You can't reply "we don't support the world's most common browser" to every issue.

If that's really the case, please put it in your product blurb. Something like "Warning: this product will not work properly for 65% of your users".

Working with IE is not "customization", and any implication that it is is disingenuous at best. It's the very basic minimum behaviour expected of a web application. And a red X is not something to be brushed off.

Seriously, man. I've spent a crapload on your products recently (and discovered I've been sold pirated art... so I'm not exactly on a crest on the appreciation wave right now) Telling me that 65% of the world seeing a red X is the works's fault for not using your preferred browser feels like a brush off to me.

The product works with IE, some aesthetic elements will be different between browsers though.

We use W3C standards, which means our aesthetics are designed around those standards - every browser except IE uses them.

The problem is that if we change it to look best in IE, it breaks things in other browsers. Since the majority of our customers use browsers other than IE, and since W3C is the accepted standard, we code to that.

Where it is possible we use methods which will work with both W3C and IE standards, where there are forced differences we go with W3C.

I am all ears if you have any suggestions regarding it though - it's a case of damned if we do, damned if we don't really.

Under no known definition is a red X broken image symbol regarded as "it works"; neither does it fall under any definition of "aesthetics". Not one person on this planet of 6 billion people sees a red X and doesn't think "broken".

This is not an issue of customization or aesthetics. It's not preferences. It's basic functionality. It's a broken image red X symbol, fer X's sake! We're not talking about an opinion in how a table border should look.

Why not just end this conversation by telling me what to delete or replace? This repeated tendency to brush off genuine issues with "we don't support Internet Explorer" is becoming a little repetitive. IE is the most common browser in the world - 65% of your users use it.

Seriously, if you don't intend to support Internet Explorer, just say so upfront. You'll lose my custom, but it might save dissatisfied customers in the future.
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Under no known definition is a red X broken image symbol regarded as "it works"; neither does it fall under any definition of "aesthetics". Not one person on this planet of 6 blion people sees a red X and doesn't think "broken".

This is not an issue of customization or aesthetics. It's not preferences. It's basic functionality. It's a broken image red X symbol, fer X's sake! We're not talking about an opinion in how a table border should look.

Why not just end this conversation by telling me what to delete or replace? This repeated tendency to brush off genuine issues with "we do 't support Internet Explorer" is becoming a little repetitive.

Seriously, if you don't intend to support Internet Explorer, just say so upfront. You'll lose my custom, but it might save dissatisfied customers in the future.

It's an issue with IE displaying images - one we WILL be attempting to fix. It's an issue relating only to what is displayed, not functionality - by definition that makes it aesthetic.

It's not that we don't support internet explorer, it's merely that when there is a choice that has to be made regarding what way to code aesthetic issues we use the accepted web standard.

Many websites and parts of websites work better or worse (or not at all) depending on the browser - it's not that those websites don't support that browser - the site still works fine in that browser, certain display elements may not however. (google 'images broken ONLY in IE' for instance and you will have over 89 million results - IE using awkward "standards" is a problem for MANY websites)

Regardless, Fillip H. will be looking at the issue tonight to see if there is a solution to it. The issue has been re-classified as a bug (even if it is only a single browser issue, you are correct that it still qualified as a bug).

Thank you. I apologise for my irritability - the whole Triple Triad IP issue got me worried. Plenty of professional video game and RPG artists frequent my site regularly, and the chances of non-legit art escaping notice is pretty much zero. I've seen the results of these things, and it's something to worry about (even if you've escaped notice so far - unfortunately I've just unwittingly provided a large audience of exactly the wrong people!)
Try re-downloading and re-uploading the product (XML re-import is not necessary) and let me know if that works.

PS: Don't you think a more up-beat tune would fit TT better than the calm "you're in a perfectly safe area where nothing more exciting than a breeze will happen" music you got going atm? xD
Try re-downloading and re-uploading the product (XML re-import is not necessary) and let me know if that works.

PS: Don't you think a more up-beat tune would fit TT better than the calm "you're in a perfectly safe area where nothing more exciting than a breeze will happen" music you got going atm? xD

Hey, it gets all drumbeaty and warlike if you listen to it a bit longer! :)

Check out the full trailer:
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