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Long story short, I'm starting my forum over with a fresh install of vBulletin.

I can import my users (only around 500), threads, forum layout and all that via impex.

Is there some database wizardry that will allow me to copy over the relevant vbShop information? I have phpMyAdmin.

I do not want to use my current database because I have installed so many mods over the years I'm really wanting to start fresh.
I think that'd be a highly complex thing, cause there are caches in the user table that doesn't have a rebuild function (for purchases).

Basically, you'd need to copy over the tables that start with dbtech_vbshop_ and also the columns from the user table that start with dbtech_vbshop_

As for how you'd do the user table column thing, I honestly have no idea, phpMyAdmin doesn't have an export function for that afaik. The columns in the user table deal with accumulated points and purchases.
Thank you Fillip H.. Just two followup questions if you would be so kind.

1) If I just export the dbtech_vbshop_ tables would it keep all the gifts and such that have been created and we can worry about re-awarding them later without modifying the user tables?

2) Am I totally off-base here in thinking that adding/removing modifications over the past year or so have somehow left my database in a less than ideal state? I've been on windows so long I am thinking of the database as the registry and think it is just filled with stuff that is no longer needed.

Thanks again for all your hard work, I love your products :)
1) That's correct :)

2) Well, sort of, but like the Windows Registry people place too much weight on "broken registry entries". I'm not the foremost expert on database optimisation (even within DBTech :p) but I don't believe there are any significant downsides to having lots of mods installed if the mods are deactivated. Pinch of salt is recommended though, you might want to repost the question @ and and hear what they have to say. If you do, feel free to post back here with the results - I'd like to learn, too :D
According to HMBeaty, an advisor over at "No. When you uninstall a modification (properly), all information it installed, should be uninstalled providing it was written correctly."

I may just try using my existing database and just see how it goes...
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