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I purchased vBShop after talking with Darkwaltz about it. He installed his original vBCredits system in our forum a long time ago when he was still at pixelfx. He said vBShop would most likely work for vBulletin 3.6 and that I should try it out so I bought it and installed it knowing that I would be taking a risk but I really liked the idea of this product and had to have it :D. Everything seems ok (as far as I can tell having no experience with it and not knowing what it is supposed to look like) but I can't seem to get the "Shop" to show up in the navbar or the quicklinks -- not sure if this is a compatibility issue or what. I am also running vBCredits 1.4 and I'm not sure how that might be affecting this product.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That would most likely be a compatibility issue, is there any way we can persuade you to upgrade to 3.7 or 3.8? :p

We unfortunately have no way of officially supporting anything less than 3.8 at the moment.

Running vBC 1.4 shouldn't be a problem, as you can configure points table and points field in the options :)
That would most likely be a compatibility issue, is there any way we can persuade you to upgrade to 3.7 or 3.8? :p

We unfortunately have no way of officially supporting anything less than 3.8 at the moment.

Running vBC 1.4 shouldn't be a problem, as you can configure points table and points field in the options :)

I understand that you guys can't "officially" support anything less than 3.8 but I can't upgrade right now because of all the time needed for the changes and to upgrade all the addons. It's just not feasible for me at this time.

So am I just SOL?
You could try to manually edit the dbtech_vbshop_navbar_link template and copy it to where you want it to go.
Even when i just append the URL with /vbshop.php i get a database error. It's something simple but i just can't figure it out.

I'm really a huge noob with this stuff, sorry.
You could try to manually edit the dbtech_vbshop_navbar_link template and copy it to where you want it to go.

I wouldn't have the 1st clue how to do that. I can find the dbtech_vbshop_navbar_link in the template search but what do i need to add/change to make it work?
Copy its contents, open the navbar template, find
		<if condition="$show['member']">
			<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]')">$vbphrase[log_out]</a></td>
, paste aforementioned contents before this code.
Copy its contents, open the navbar template, find
		<if condition="$show['member']">
			<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]')">$vbphrase[log_out]</a></td>
, paste aforementioned contents before this code.

That worked! Now the only problem is i get a "database error" when you click it and it goes to vbshop.php

Any ideas what could be wrong?
Not unless I get to see the error message in full, no :p

It doesnt have any info in it for some reason... this is all i see
Please right click and "View Source", then you should see an error message commented out in the code that appears.
Oh ok. This is what i get.
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT languageid,
phrasegroup_vbshop AS phrasegroup_vbshop,
phrasegroup_user AS phrasegroup_user,
phrasegroup_album AS phrasegroup_album,
phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
options AS lang_options,
languagecode AS lang_code,
charset AS lang_charset,
locale AS lang_locale,
imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep
FROM language
WHERE languageid = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasegroup_album' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, January 3rd 2011 @ 07:35:48 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
I see, I guess that feature was added in vB 3.6 / 3.7 or 3.8 then.

You will have problems with missing text, but if you remove , 'album' from approx line 24 of vbshop.php that error won't appear.
Arent there 2 copies of vbshop.php? One in the root folder and one in the admincp folder.. which one do i modify?

Or am I wrong about there being 2?

EDIT - i changed the one in the root folder and it works! I will check out the rest and see if it is working. Thanks for your help in getting this
far... I'm excited about this product and really hope it works. I will let you know.
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Fillip H., how do I get vbshop to use the credits from vBCredits 1.4 as the currency?
I go into vBShop - Points Settings and replace dbtech_vbshop_points with something, right? What do I replace it with?
I would assume credits though I am entirely unfamiliar with vBCredits 1.4, maybe Darkwaltz4 can clarify :)
I would assume credits though I am entirely unfamiliar with vBCredits 1.4, maybe Darkwaltz4 can clarify :)

Thanks, I PMd him. :)

I'm not sure which one to use since this is what i get when i search for credits

I'll wait until he responds.

EDIT - i am testing a lot of the functionality with the admin account and a temp user. When I'm done what file do I have to replace to reset all the purchase histories and such... to reset everything back to zero before I make the mod visible to the forum users?

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Darkwaltz told me how to get vbshop using the credits as the currency and all of that is working now. I've set up about 14 different items in the shop
and tested them repeatedly with the 2 accounts and double checked all the settings. Out of all the items in the shop the only ones that I can get to work correctly are Change User Title, Change User Name, and Immunity.

Any ideas on why this is or how I can fix it?

Also, when I'm done what file do I have to replace to reset all the purchase histories and such... to reset everything back to zero before I make the mod visible to the forum users?

thanks in advance
Unfortunately we are unable to assist with functionality problems in vB versions we don't support :(

There's no way to reset purchase history at this point in time, that'll be added to a future version.
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