FYI, Page speed vs CPU load do not necessarily go hand in hand.

Tested it extensively on local server while beta testing vB5 betas and vB4 and can say it mod_pagespeed works and gives 2x times better page loading performance BUT mod_pagepage speed required 3x times cpu resources to achieve that 2x times page loading speed. It works for Google as they distribute and share that extra cpu load across their massive cluster of web servers. But for single server usage, you need to weigh up the 3x times higher cpu loads (under peak usage) versus the 2x times better page load speed.

You can manually achieve nearly the same <2x times better page load speed with manual tweaking of server settings etc and depending on web apps used can even do better.

i.e. for wordpress with right plugins to minify and bundle css/js files you can achieve same speed

just my AUD$0.02 :)
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Interesting, have you ran into any issues with using it on a vB forum? I read somewhere either on that thread or somewhere else that it could potentially break scripts - people don't generally consider script load order when coding for vB4 as much as vB5.

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